**PICS** THANK YOU, LHCF!! You educated me!!

Awww that is a nice story. I can definately see the difference, and what a difference in a short space of time.

Congrats girl. This site is wicked isn't it?!!! :grin:
LADIES!! :grin::grin::grin:

You are all SO SWEET! I want to thank each and every one of you for your lovely comments.

Yes, this site is WICKED!! :lachen::lachen: Thank you all for noticing and commenting. It means a lot. . . I even started to cry (but in a good way).

There are always times in our lives (and I'm sure most of you -if not all- of you can relate), when you feel bad about your hair, or you were the one that got picked on because your hair wasn't a certain way, or you were the one with the long, pretty hair that all the other girls touched and messed with... but whatever your story is, you can understand (or appreciate) the tears.

Thank you, EVERYONE!!