*PICS*Synthetic Sew-in Install. Cheap!


New Member
I was at the point of cutting off my ponytail, so I decided on a
sew-in to help me finish my stretch. I will be ending the stretch
in January.
There is some beautiful (expensive)Indian hair in my weave closet.
However my hair is not that dark naturally and looks really unatural
on me. My hair is somewhere between a 1b -4. No colors were matching-
until I found a synthetic on the rack. The brand is called Sensi.The #4 matched perfectly and I used a #2 to add dimension. It was 11.99 a pack. So far, it behaves very similar to human hair, looks like bohyme, and matches my braid out hair PERFECTLY. My stylist kept saying,"I can't believe this is synthetic." This hair needs so little care.I love it and ran back to buy more for my next install.



It was "diana ross" full in the back when I took these pics.
I went back last week and had her take out a few wefts. So, next time I know I only need 2 packs. One 14' amd one 18'.
Beautiful install! It really does look like a braidout and matches your hair very well.
She left out a 4 inch U going back and 1 inch everywhere else.
I always have the stylist go back in and add a 2 inch wide weft
on each side near the top.Gives me volume.
I love it. I can't seem to find the brand online, is it new? I hope I can find it in stores tomorrow because this is great looking and inexpensive to boot.
Could you give more info. on the brand and specific type of hair? I couldn't find it either. Looks amazing!
i actually kind of like that. It does match well, but i want to know, how long do you plan on having it installed?

The reason I ask is because I wanted to know how maintenance will be. Do you plan on washing it or are you concerned how it will be affected since it's synthetic?

If you do wash it, let me know how it turns out, because if it holds up, you may be on to something...
I love it. I can't seem to find the brand online, is it new? I hope I can find it in stores tomorrow because this is great looking and inexpensive to boot.

Not sure on how new it is. I found it in a local BSS.They have some awesome
looking heat resistant synthetics around now. I heard Brandys line is also a good one. PRO10.
i actually kind of like that. It does match well, but i want to know, how long do you plan on having it installed?

The reason I ask is because I wanted to know how maintenance will be. Do you plan on washing it or are you concerned how it will be affected since it's synthetic?

If you do wash it, let me know how it turns out, because if it holds up, you may be on to something...

I'm planning on keeping the install for 5-6 weeks.I washed the hair itself in big plaits before the install.Wanted to see if the waves held up and it dried beautifully.

Everyday I use a detangling/moisturizing spray made for synthethic and human hair.Lightly comb,mostly fingers -done.

I plan on washing once a week using a variation of the C&G method.

Washed once last week while installed,and will post more pics after my
wash today. I wash in big braids. I also sleep in 3-9 big braids every night.
Could you give more info. on the brand and specific type of hair? I couldn't find it either. Looks amazing!

Thanks - TYPO before. Sens is the brand. Remi Super Wave. #2 and #4.
14 inch and 18 inch. Check your local BSS. They may have it with the heat resistant syns.
The hair looks very natural..

Can you post a pic of the package?? I cannot find it on line. I really want to try this for a few weeks to give my hair a break from the heat.

I'm planning on keeping the install for 5-6 weeks.I washed the hair itself in big plaits before the install.Wanted to see if the waves held up and it dried beautifully.

Everyday I use a detangling/moisturizing spray made for synthethic and human hair.Lightly comb,mostly fingers -done.
I plan on washing once a week using a variation of the C&G method.

Washed once last week while installed,and will post more pics after my
wash today. I wash in big braids. I also sleep in 3-9 big braids every night.

Could you please tell me the name of the moisturizing spray? I am looking for something to use on my current sew-in. TIA