**PICS** Since Using Ovation Cell Therapy

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
It's been a few months and I thought I'd share some pics on growth from April to June (I began using OCT and MT in March):


This pic is from the end of April


This pic was taken in May (around the 18th)


And this picture was just takened tonight.

I think that I've gotten great growth using OCT. I will keep using it because it's working nicely.

So, whatcha think? Did I get some growth from this amazing stuff or what?
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Holy Moly that's great growth! I don't know why I stopped using mine but I'm starting again tonight!

If it was because of itching on scalp, just use a light oil on scalp before putting the OCT/MT. If shedding, just keep up with it until it stops. It will stop...mine did.:yep:
It's been a few months and I thought I'd share some pics on growth from April to June (I began using OCT and MT in March):


This pic is from the end of April


This pic was taken in May (around the 18th)


And this picture was just takened tonight.

I think that I've gotten great growth using OCT. I will keep using it because it's working nicely.

So, whatcha think? Did I get some growth from this amazing stuff or what?
Great Growth, I woke the heck up. Thanks Girl love your pictures. had to send you a PM.
OK, I'mma need to know exactly what you are doing, that growth is ridiculous...I was thinking ohh thats alright for April 07 to now..then I'm like wait..is she saying 4/08 to now...for real.
I've been using since March and my growth ain't no where NEAR this!
Congratulations! I'm freakin' JEALOUS! :bow:

It's been a few months and I thought I'd share some pics on growth from April to June (I began using OCT and MT in March):


This pic is from the end of April


This pic was taken in May (around the 18th)


And this picture was just takened tonight.

I think that I've gotten great growth using OCT. I will keep using it because it's working nicely.

So, whatcha think? Did I get some growth from this amazing stuff or what?
Whoa!!!!! That is some super growth!!!!! I just started MT and I hope for results like this by Sept.!! Thanks for sharing and keep growing, sis!!!!
OK, I'mma need to know exactly what you are doing, that growth is ridiculous...I was thinking ohh thats alright for April 07 to now..then I'm like wait..is she saying 4/08 to now...for real.

I have been alternating OCT and MT religiously since March. Even with all the itching and the shedding I had in the beginning...I kept up with it and didn't give up.

I took the pics once per month after straightening my hair, just so that I can see the growth as i go along. In between the time, I CW and keep my hair moisturized and ends oiled with Olive Oil/Castor Oil.

Yes, my dear...it's for real:yep:
OK, I'mma need to know exactly what you are doing, that growth is ridiculous...I was thinking ohh thats alright for April 07 to now..then I'm like wait..is she saying 4/08 to now...for real.

My sentiments EXACTLY!!! WHOOOOOOA!!! N&W that's some goooood dangone GROWTH for LESS than 2 mos time! Wow!!! Such beautiful hair!
I've been using since March and my growth ain't no where NEAR this!
Congratulations! I'm freakin' JEALOUS! :bow:

Thanks, JN. Girl, I just keep using it and it's working. Even my granddaughter said to me yesterday "grandma, your hair is growing so long". That's when I decided to take a picture today, just so that I could see it...and just had to share.

It's working..for real. I do alternate OCT and MT. I dunno if that has anything to do with it.
My sentiments EXACTLY!!! WHOOOOOOA!!! N&W that's some goooood dangone GROWTH for LESS than 2 mos time! Wow!!! Such beautiful hair!

Thanks, ATCT. It's growing and I'm getting excited, more and more.

It feels like forever...but, I'm getting closer and closer to my goal. I'm looking at getting to my goal (MBL) by the end of the year, if this growth keeps up:yep:
Congratulations, NW, you so deserve it:yep: I just started using MT. I can't wait until I get amazing growth results like you:grin: Keep it up dear!
Congratulations, NW, you so deserve it:yep: I just started using MT. I can't wait until I get amazing growth results like you:grin: Keep it up dear!

Thank you so much, tsmith. I appreciate it:yep:

I'm going to keep using this stuff...it is working for sure:yep:
I was wondering when you would do your report and here it is. WOW...that OCT stuff seems to be the truth. Im happy you got great results.
Thanks, ATCT. It's growing and I'm getting excited, more and more.

It feels like forever...but, I'm getting closer and closer to my goal. I'm looking at getting to my goal (MBL) by the end of the year, if this growth keeps up:yep:

Oh I can feel your excitement with this! For it's definitely growing and fast. As for you getting to MBL by the end of the year......Oh I can definitely see you reaching that milestone before the year is up at the rate you're going! Keep it up for sure. Now you got me wanting to go get me some of that MT/OCT stuff LOL
I was wondering when you would do your report and here it is. WOW...that OCT stuff seems to be the truth. Im happy you got great results.

Thanks so much, Christa! I wasn't even going to take pics until next month, until my granddaughter said something yesterday about my hair.

Thanks again!
Oh I can feel your excitement with this! For it's definitely growing and fast. As for you getting to MBL by the end of the year......Oh I can definitely see you reaching that milestone before the year is up at the rate you're going! Keep it up for sure. Now you got me wanting to go get me some of that MT/OCT stuff LOL

I hope so!!! Now that its summer, I'm not going to straighten it again until the end of August/September. Hopefully, it's longer. I will take pics then.

The one thing I've noticed too, is that my ends are good. I haven't had to trim them at all, so that's a plus...I can retain my length.