PICS (SHEDDED, SHEDDING HAIR) for those that wanna know


Well-Known Member
Hi all! Well, I been trying to get a hold of my shedding for a minute now and I just haven't really had time. So one day after combing, I had ABSOLUTELY nothing better to do and I began to count the hairs that had shed. I had a little over 100 hairs that shed (not broke).

Since 50-100 hairs is supposed to be the normal amount of shedding, I thought I'd help out those that want to know just what exactly 100 hairs look like.
(Picss opened)

In the first one, I laid it in a the second one, I balled my fist then opened fist and got the little loose ball.

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thanks that was really helpful and time consuming on your part but that is how my hair sheds daily so now I feel relieved.
ok ok... I was thinking for a minute like, I shed wayyyyyy more than that, but I reread and that is daily... not weekly... lol.... whoa what a relief... even though I know I be doing my hair dirty lately, doesnt seem like it is too mad at me, because I dont get that much shedding...But, then again, all I do is keep it in a ponytail...
Anjel--Yeah, normally I shed a lot more than that too. My hair had not been combed in a couple of days though when I took that picture. :)

PerfectDoak--Exactly! I would have never thought a bunch of 100 hair strands would look as small as as it does.

Candy--Sure, you're welcome! I know that folks always say their hair is shedding but then are told that 50-100 is normal, so I said, let me "put my hair to the test" :lol:

Anyway, I hope this can help some of those people out!
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Thanks for the info - it's good to know exactly what 100 hairs look like. It looks like alot less than it really is though.
sky_blu said:
If thats 100 hairs then Im in trouble. :look:

Not necessarily, because remember, thats normal shedding PER day. So if you times that to 7 days, it would probably be a lot.

pradalover said:
Thanks for the info - it's good to know exactly what 100 hairs look like. It looks like alot less than it really is though.

I know. The funny part is when I was counting and I got to 50. I was thinking "I must be making some mistake here" cuz the darn pile was lookin a little thin :lol:
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This is a very interesting post. I usually get that amount or less.

One thing to keep in mind as well is your length. If your hair is very long it will make the ball of shed hair look bigger (like it is a lot more than it is).
Softresses said:
This is a very interesting post. I usually get that amount or less.

One thing to keep in mind as well is your length. If your hair is very long it will make the ball of shed hair look bigger (like it is a lot more than it is).

I was just about to post this. Length and also strand thickness and curl pattern can affect how it will look.