PICS--> Results of Coconut Milk Conditioner & Braided Crown Bun


Well-Known Member
I've finally got my hair back balanced (THANKS FOR THE APHOGEE REC. GUYS)! To be honest I've been REALLY low maintenance with it lately so I'm really loving buns. Because of the summer humidity my hair had begun to be really high maintenance since I was doing wash n gos every other day-it frizzes out every easily. I'm seriously considering going back to my pre-LHCF reggie when I grew my hair out before (slick hair back, bun it up, gel & spritz so it doesn't frizz up). The braided bun was quite simple to do and was pretty much an extension of this tutorial:

Except I used Pump it up spritz to fight the frizzies :look:. I went a whole 5 days without having to touch-up my ponytail or re-wash and condition and it was GREAT, especially considering that I was walking back and forth to class 20 mins each way 2x a day :drunk:.

So here are the pics (you can increase the size by clicking them..I didnt know how to make it so that they uploaded as full size pics :eek:hwel: ):

Only thing I dislike about this style is that my 5 head looks massive, but I'm losing weight in my face so that's a plus :spinning:
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That looks Really Nice. I love Coconut Milk and I am really interested in Buns/Bunning ! (Even tho' mine are Phony Right Now. :rolleyes:

Very Pretty. You Reminded Me...... I need to pull out my cans of Coconut Milk & Coconut Creme.

They both really makes your hair feel great.:yep:

Thanks For Sharing.