Pics of my mom's hair

Thanks and that is what the problem was she had thinned out and was loosing hair like crazy. I mixed it for her and she had been applying it to her hair on her own which is why I don't have a length check pic at the moment. she is becoming a pro at taking care of her hair now. she is on a lot of meds and we don't know which ones that was causing the problem. when we first did her henna it gave her a really nice blonde color and she was loving it until we started with the other powder which gave her the orange color. but she is loving this new look.
I really wanted to thank you all for your help. I think she is very excited about being on here and having you all take a look at her hair.

Shadiyah Yes,some meds will do that (thinning)...Tell your Mom she is on the right track/using natural hair remedies & you are doing a great job at assisting/thru her haircare journey...*Remember its trail & error at first & when you find what works..STICK WITH IT FOR A WHILE....I'm helping my Mother & Aunts too-(Haircare)

*Tell your Mom..Glad she is a part of LHCF....

Happy Hair Growing!
Ok ladies we have updates. I am first sending pictures of when she first got here before her henna and cut. she wanted her hair even up.


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Ok we washed the henna out and we have mixed chicks leave in right now waiting for it to dry and even though it is still thin it looks much healthier since I cut off those ends so I will have to do another length check and went to shoulder length because she wanted it all one length.

Be back after it dry.


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Ok ladies this is the last picture post for the night. Her hair has dried and it was fluff up and she couldn't believe how full it looked.


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Oh I forgot to mention that there was no hair falling out this time either LOL I was so happy to see that this was all working. And I made her stay until it was dry so I could show her what to do with it after it dried she was like OH!! lol I am so happy for her and her date nights LOL
I love momma's curls!!

def continue doing is helping my hair a lot...also look into protein

ETA: just saw the update and boy has her hair thickened up!!
i'm taking notes! lol
Your mothers hair is gorgeous, love that color! So how long has she been doing the henna/bhringraj mix? And what quantity? I'd love to try this to thicken up my hair :-)
Your mothers hair is gorgeous, love that color! So how long has she been doing the henna/bhringraj mix? And what quantity? I'd love to try this to thicken up my hair :-)

well I think I started this oon 2-27-11 and that was the first henna treatment and her hair was shedding so much I mean it was coming out in my hands. Once someone told me about the bhringraj I got and mixed it and sent it to her and told her what to do. This is the first day that I mixed them together and I really can not tell you how much because I mixed the henna first and then I put the bhringraj in after and mixed it all up with lemon juice. She really wanted me to keep it blonde but she told me too late or I would have ordered the carassia if that's what it is called. I told her I can make it browner by adding indigo the next time.

She said she really notice a big difference and when i washed her hair today there was no shedding at all she just wanted it cut to stop the knots. So now each month we will keep a length check and also to see how thick it gets.
woah..that's good progress :yep:.... I love your moms curls!!!! and the color. It's sweet of you to assist your mom in her journey
Great progress! Your mom looks so cute! You're such a good daughter.

Sent from my HTC Evo using Long Hair Care Forum App
I hope to have more good news to come. we are trying to see how long it will take for her hair to get back to where it was before I did the chop.
Well this is the 3rd month for my mom's update and before I post the pictures I have to tell you that she is not feeling the henna color so now we are going with indigo to try and darken it up some. She really wish she could have kept the blonde and if I had known that I would have use the cassia to keep it lite without the red. So now I am waiting for the indigo to come so I can get her back over here to darken her hair up so people as she say will stop asking her what happen to your hair color. she tells them oh my daughter was experementing with something on my hair. instead of just telling them oh my daughter put red henna in my hair.

well here we go.


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Hey yall I just did my mother's hair today and we changed the color because she could not stand the redish orange lol she said everyone kept asking her what happen to your hair lol. I told her to tell them it was henna and she told them that her daughter was trying something out and it came out like that. So I did indigo and henna to give her brown and she is brown with golden highlights. I am surprise because I thought it was going to be more black because of the amount of indigo I used. I am not sure as to how well the pictures are showing her color but it is brown and golden blonde. She loves it by the way and she said lets try to keep it like that. So now I am getting ready to order the cassia and just do that for now on so she can have her grey blonde. Oh and we are still working length since I had cut it. She said they took her off the meds she think was taking her hair out so we will see. I can say this, it is very healthy now compared to when I started.


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Does your mom's dad have MPB (Male Pattern Baldness) or her mom? When it's thinner at the top of the back and at the crown thats usually what it is.
I LOVE the new color! It looks perfect on her. :yep: Thanks for the update!

My mom has the same problem with her hair thinning because of her meds. I've been trying to get her back to henna like she used to but she seems to like her avocado and egg mask better.
Does your mom's dad have MPB (Male Pattern Baldness) or her mom? When it's thinner at the top of the back and at the crown thats usually what it is.

Not sure about my grandfather because I can't remember. I was trying to find a picture of him but I have so many folders to look through to find his picture. and we can not go by my grandmother because she was a drinker so her hair was thin. and I think on my grandfather side his mother hair was thin as she got older. but my mother is not bald it is thin all over. it has stop coming out and it is filling in now. so there is a difference and it has not been a year yet since I have been taking care of it. I think in a years time we will see a big difference. I told her I want to start her treatments every 2 weeks now instead of the every month we were doing. I sent her home this time with ginger and olive oil. I use the bhringaj today and then I rainwashed it and then applied the henna mixture. we styled it with mixed chicks.
wow! Her hair has done a 360! I prefer the darker color too! You're a great daughter.

Thank you so much. I really wish my youngest daughter would listen to me. but she keeps dying and gluing those weaves to her head. my next to the youngest daughter is doing great. I have a thread with her pictures but she needs a treatment right about now also.