Pics of my daughter's 4a/b hair


New Member
Pics of my daughter\'s 4a/b hair

Hi everyone! I'm fairly new to the board (although I have been lurking for months)and wanted to start by saying what a nice board this is! I tried (without success) a few weeks ago to post my daughter's pics but I'll give it another try. The link and password is posted below:

If that doesn't work, go to, and log in to my albums with the following information:

Log-in ID: spicee1t
Guest Password: hair
Re: Pics of my daughter\'s 4a/b hair

Thanks for sharing pics of your beautiful babies.
Jayla's hair is growing so beautifully. Keep up the good work.

Re: Pics of my daughter\'s 4a/b hair

Thanks Peachtree & JenJen! I just did her touchup this past Saturday and took some more pics that I'll be posting soon.
Re: Pics of my daughter\'s 4a/b hair

I recieved a message stating that you have recieved the maxium amount of visitors.
Re: Pics of my daughter\'s 4a/b hair

I got this when I went to photoisland...

"Thank you for visiting this account. Please try again tomorrow since this account has exceeded the maximum number of visits allowed for today!"

Do you have a Yahoo account? It would be easier to post the pics there. HTH
Re: Pics of my daughter\'s 4a/b hair

Thank you for visiting this account. Please try again tomorrow since this account has exceeded the maximum number of visits allowed for today!

Re: Pics of my daughter\'s 4a/b hair

I tried to look at the pictures but I got a message that it was not on the server.