Pics of me and my 'new' big chop


Hi there!
Yep, I cut the texturizer off today, as planned. That didn't last long, huh? lol.
I don't have a Fotki account, so I used Yahoo pics instead.

This is my first public photo album and it's really kinda cool. If you ladies can share your hair and goals, so can I:) . You've all inspired me so much! I was a bit concerned about security (pm me if you have any tips), but I'll see how things go.

My hair type is mostly 4b and I'm going to try to document my progress. :)
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Wow! Thank you all so much for checking me out! I know that it's only a few pics, but I'll try to update whenever I can do something new to my hair.

lol, I think that the smaller my hair is, the bigger the earrings get:lol:. I've never been truly comfortable with short hair, but I put it out there so that I can keep track of the growth in pictures this time.

Trust me, I think that I look a bit better once I start to get some length. I cut my hair myself today so that I could test the moon phase theories that I've been hearing about. (cut during the new moon/waxing moon days for faster growth). It might just be a fluke, but it was worth a try. We'll see.

Thanx again, lovely ladies!:D
This is very flattering on you!! Congratz on your BC. I like the earrings and the hat. You skin looks great too. You go gurl!!
Thanx again ladies! I added a few more pix of the texturizer that I had. That looked ok at first, but it wasn't meant for my hair type. Natural is the way to go :)
I agree with all the posters--your cut really flatters your face (glad you put the other hair in there for comparison). I love the texture of your hair. Very pretty on you, and congratulations!
Congrats, girl! Natural is the way to go! Your cut is stunning! Naturals are taking ova! :angeldevi
Your hair looks amazing!! I feel you on the short hair/big earrings combo. Since I chopped i've taken to wearing really big hoop earrings, before I just wore cute dangly earrings.