Pics from the D.C. LHCF Winter Meeting

It's great to put faces to names. Who knew that hair could do so much to bring folks together
You gals look great!
We miss you two Melodee. I started a thread in Area forums for the Spring meeting which will be in Baltimore.

Kathy- Your hair did look really nice and soft.

Thanks Denali- I am tempting to sport a weave again for the summer.
Ok Sbaker.....YOU LOOK GOOD!!! I can relaly see the effects opf your workouts! You go girl!
Ladies you all lok beautiful....Kenesha you look great here but I bet you are just a glowing now with that new cut!!!
Thanks, Tonya! You are definitely an inspiration. You are looking slim and trim theses days. Keep up the good work!
Hi Ladies! I've been so busy working on my dissertation and getting settled from moving! I miss you guys. Sorry for not being able to make it. As usual, you ladies look BEAUTIFUL. SBaker: the Little Man is adorable!!! Can't wait 'til the Spring meeting...