

New Member
I was going through my limited Photo CDs and came across a photo that allowed me to crop out my face for privacy reasons. I hope to buy a digital camera to take pictures for posting purpose but for now PJism reigns. My pic
Very pretty.
Sweetcocoa, as per my last relaxer (7/17) my hair was right below bra strap (25in). In the picture it was about 27 inches (?). I don't normal take pictures. The one posted was one of those sneak up and steal a photo shot. I was in the process of turning my head to avoid the picture. The person that took the photo was fussed out royally but now I glad she did it.
Very nice. Why aren't you at that length now? Cut or damage?

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Thanks! It was a combination of both slightly damage and scissor happy stylist. I wasn't interested in trying to grow it out. I just wanted it to look nice for MDH. I just started doing things for my own sake this past April.
Lovely hair Spagirl... that is my goal.

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Thanks Cleo. Girl, your just about at bra strap it won't be long for you at tall tall (slang for "at all").
Wow Spagirl, Nice hair! What's your regimen?

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Thanks PrettyBrownEyes.

Right now I am in the experimental stages again. Presently I'm washing my hair every 4 days. Outside of my resent Phytospecific testing period, I've been alt. between A.O. White Camellia and Jasmine and Jason's Kelp shampoos. I like to use LUST, AO Jojoba Aloe, the old Mizani Moisturfuse, and Lekair(green) as my deep conditioner and do my comb out in the shower using a shower comb (Sally's) while rinsing out the conditioner. I love to use conditioners as leave-ins be it Giovanni Direct, AO Jojoba and Aloe, Lust, etc. and follow up with an oil like Hot Oil 6, WGO, Keracare essential oil or Wonder Grow Shea spray. These are just to name a few (PJ still reigns). The things I always come back to are daily moisturizers, when needed, which are Lustra silk Right on Instant Moisturizing conditioner w/silk protein essentials and distilled water followed up with an oil. My present product goal is to get away, if at all possible, from any form of alcohol. I know I have to use the "good alcohol(s)" products, for now, on some occasions because from what I've been reading they are necessary to emulsify the fats (oils) so that the beneficial parts of the product can get in. Oh, I like to use my heat cap for deep conditionings and I use my bonnet dryer on occasion to dry my hair. HTH!
You have beautiful hair, Spagirl!

*Sigh* Sometimes I really wonder if I'll EVER be able to grow my hair to that length!!!

Good thing that somebody snuck up and took that picture. It's a perfect "hair" picture. That was a nice length and you'll have that back before the end of the year. The first picture is really pretty also.
Spagirl, I recently experienced the same thing. I went in for a retouch on 8/13/03. I measured my hair at 27" before retouch. After the retouch and the cut I'm now at 24". I know it was longer than 27" once it was all straightened out. It'll grow back again but it has been impossible for me to find someone who will cut my hair the way I want it cut .
Her reason for cutting my hair was - your hair was tangling.
Yeah Lala,

And when you reached in your purse to pay her you should've told her that your wallet was tangled too !