Pic of my hair goal and a quik question...


New Member
Hey guys /images/graemlins/laugh.gif. Below is a pic of my hairgoal. I chose this photo because it approximates the thickness, sheen, and strength of what I desire to achieve. I'm in the process of putting together a hair cocktail and would really appreciate your input regarding a good multi to take. Thanks alot for your input.
web page

<font color="red">Iris</font color>
Wow, that a lot of hair you want!!! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif It's very pretty, though. Where are you now in terms of that goal? To answer your question about the mulit, I take Centrum.
Whoa! That is a whole lotta hair! A girl I know from another hair board recommended Hair Fitness because it is a multi-vitamin and a hair vitamin together in one. This is the website
Hair Fitness
They sell it at VitaminShoppe. I was going to check it out myself but I think I am going to lay off hair vitamins for a while.
Hi Caramela /images/graemlins/laugh.gif. I just chopped several inches this past week, so my hair is just a little above my shoulders. But my hair is very thick and dense. Right now for me it's just a matter of length. I've had close to waiste-length hair before, but now I think I want to finally go all the way with growing it that long /images/graemlins/grin.gif. Thanks for the Centrum recommendation. BTW, I was looking at your photos the other day and you and your hair are very pretty. Thanks again.

<font color="red">Iris</font color>
Hi HoneyRockette. Thanks for that link! I've seen this product at the vitaminshoppe. I think I will check it out along with the centrum. It is alot of hair, but I think I will be able to maintain it thanks to the hair product suggestions of all you guys on this board /images/graemlins/grin.gif. My hair was close to waiste-length before, I just didn't want to deal with the hassle of caring for it because my former length, along with the thickness, was challenge enough! This time, I feel I'm more than ready to meet any challenge /images/graemlins/grin.gif Thanks again for your reply.

Hi Iris,

Wow, that's some hair goal!The lady's hair is pretty and it makes me think about Jade's hair when she describes it. I wish Jade was here because that girl KNOWS some good stuff that can grow your hair! Let me know about the hair cocktail, the thought of it sounds interesting
Hi hairfanatic! This is what I've come up with so far,
a multi, msm, silica, b-complex, biotin, pantothenic acid, amino acid supplement and L-cysteine /images/graemlins/grin.gif After reading some health books and articles, I think I will start with these. If I feel the need to add or delete, I'll post along with my progress. The photo of this model I got from LongHairIndia. I'm looking into what they use to achieve such great length. I'm planning on emailing the lady in the pic, because as we all can see, <font color="red">she has some awesome hair!</font color>

Iris would you mind posting the link to site please? I'd like to look at Indian womens thought and view on hair care also.
LondonDiva: This is a Yahoo site for men who have fetishes for long hair(longhairindia). When I joined the forum I was under the impression that it was Indian women who were frequenting it. However, the photos the moderator and members post are incredible. You have some Indian women who are members also. Also, they unlike many of the Yahoo groups regarding ethnic women, keep their photos TASTEFUL TO PUT IT TO YOU MILDLY!!! <font color="red">I CAN'T BELIEVE WHEN YOU TYPE IN ANYTHING FOR ETHNIC MINORITIES, THE NUMBER OF SMUT AND FILTH YAHOO HAS REGARDING US!!! IS THIS HOW THE WORLD SEES US?!</font color> Let me stop here, before this turns into an Off-Topic Discussion. When I get a link to decent forum regarding Indian women and their haircare system, etc. I'll be sure to post it.

LondonDiva, this probably should be placed on the off-topic board, but those signature images are BAD!!! How did you get the changing doll images at the bottom? I stayed up late last night trying to place an image in that section, but no cigar /images/graemlins/confused.gif
