PIC HEAVY: Trim, Length Check, & Salon Experience


New Member
Yesterday me and my friend were bored and saw a special at a hair salon for $5 wash, style, and trims. My friend decided she wanted her hair done and while I was sitting there I figured I might as well get mine done too. I was a little nervous at first but I just went ahead and did it. To my surprise the whole process went fairly smoothly. She washed and conditioned my hair with something that smelled super good. I was going to get a roller set but then she said she wanted to cut my 4a/3c hair wet if I was going to get that. I instantly knew it was a bad idea so I let her blow dry and flat iron so I could see exactly what she was cutting despite my fear of heat damage. Well she was fairly gentle with my hair and when I mentioned she was too rough she immediately slowed down. I did have to ask her to use a heat protectant but she didn't complain and just went and got it. Now this other stylist was sitting there complaining about how long and thick my hair was and even almost called it nappy...I looked at her crispety crackly strands (she was a very see through NL) and just had to laugh it off.

Well here are the final results. What do yall think? I still can't tell how far away I am from BSL




Your hair is gorgeous! So healthy and thick!! I can't tell from your pics whether you are at or even past BSL because I can't tell where your BS would be on your back. With your thickness, your hair looks incredibly long though no matter what its exact length is.
Wow $5 bucks?!! Where was this?
She did a great job. You were smart in not letting her cut your natural hair while its wet.
I'm with everyone else..great deal you got there; and your hair has a lovely thickness to it. And if I had that I would just wait patiently wait for bsl and continue what you're doing. You're on you way there.
Your hair is GORGEOUS!!! :drool::drool::drool:

Great deal for just five bucks! As far as length, I'd say you're probably an inch or two from BSL. Least that's what it looks like to me. :yep:
Wow $5 bucks?!! Where was this?
She did a great job. You were smart in not letting her cut your natural hair while its wet.

It was at a hair school. I could not pass up a $5 deal to get my hair washed, blow dried, flat ironed, and trimmed. It would have taken me forever!!

You do have gorgeous thick hair!
Ok I'm curious...what's that going down your back?:look:

I got a beaded extension braid in Ecuador. I love it.

I suppose that is sufficient for a $5 dollar "style"

To be honest it looks like a simple blowout.

My blowouts look soo much different than this. Imagine this hair times like 50.