Pibbs and short hair styles


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I'm a long time lurker and this is my first post. Given the way the air circulates in the hood of the Pibbs, would you use it to dry your wrap or a wrapped pixie type hair cut? A friend of mine wants to purchase a dryer and is not sure if the Pibbs would be the most suitbale dryer given the style she is currently wearing. I have the Pibbs and explained to her that I always use a hair net whether Im drying on rollers or with my hair hanging down. However my hair is about shoulder to APL. Any input would be great. Thanks.
Yes, I would use it to dry wrap my hair and I would use a hair net each time. I purchased my Pibbs when I was above ear length (I'm happy I did), so for a while I only used it to deep conditioned, which was once a week. Now, I'm SL approaching APL and it is a god-send when trying to dry a rollerset. If she is planning to grow her hair longer then I think purchasing a Pibbs is a very good investment.
I would think so. Unfortunately, I was clueless about this stuff when my hair was much shorter.

I'm sure the other ladies will join in.
I have short hair and have just bought a hair dryer not a Pibbs but I'm in the UK (dont have em over here :( )

I'm investing in my hair and hope that it is a worthwhile purchase, it hasnt arrived yet.

Wannabelong - How did you use it when your hair was short and did you do anything that helped your hair grow longer.

Thanks :)
Hi Kiarai,

I just used it to deep condition until my hair got longer and I started rollersetting. I dabbled in growth aids for a short time but I can't say that they contributed to the grow I received. I tried MN, Boundless Tresses and Mega Tek. I don't use any growth aids now, I'm too lazy to apply them.
Hi Kiarai,

I just used it to deep condition until my hair got longer and I started rollersetting. I dabbled in growth aids for a short time but I can't say that they contributed to the grow I received. I tried MN, Boundless Tresses and Mega Tek. I don't use any growth aids now, I'm too lazy to apply them.

Megatek makes my hair soooo dry, so Ive stopped using it now. I was putting it on my scalp every night but im may use it to condition with say once every 6 weeks.

I'm trying to use up the products I have. When I joined LHCF I bought a lot of products because of all the recomendations but its helped me to find out what my hair likes etc, I'm still learning though.

I have the big 5lb tub of Keracare Humecto so I'm looking forward to DCing with the dryer. You hair is lovely, how long did it take you to get from Ear length to where you are now?
Megatek makes my hair soooo dry, so Ive stopped using it now. I was putting it on my scalp every night but im may use it to condition with say once every 6 weeks.

I'm trying to use up the products I have. When I joined LHCF I bought a lot of products because of all the recomendations but its helped me to find out what my hair likes etc, I'm still learning though.

I have the big 5lb tub of Keracare Humecto so I'm looking forward to DCing with the dryer. You hair is lovely, how long did it take you to get from Ear length to where you are now?[/quote]

Thank you. :grin: I started in Nov. 2007, so that's 22 months (if my math is correct).