Phytospecific Relaxer


Well-Known Member
I'm posting this in the hair section because while going through salon section I saw a post of another person asking as well. Does anyone in the NJ area or even NYC know of a stylist that uses the Phytospecfic relaxer?

It doesn't have to be a shop because I may have found a lead but I don't know if they are taking new clients.:perplexed

I KNOW there are ppl in the NJ area so fess up!:lachen:
I don't live in NY but in case no New Yorker answers, maybe you can call phyto customer service at the website. They will give you locations and telephone numbers of salons in the NY area.
Oh thank you I will try that. NYC is really my last option if I can find it in NJ that would be GREATTTTTTTT!!!

They don't have to be in a shop either ladies....they can just be licensed! lol
Phyto Universe is in NYC. You should give them a call. They can probably direct you to someone in NJ. But for a treat, I'd suggest you go and check out Phyto Universe. It is awesome!!!
Hey there, fellow Jersey girl. My mom puts my phytorelaxer in. I sure hope another jersey girl can come and tell BOTH of us the scoop. I do wish sometimes that I could go to the salon because they may be less inclined to overlap. My mom can't help but over lap, bless her heart. I just stretch for 4 months to compensate.