Phytospecific II, is 1 box enough to relax virgin hair?


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Phytospecific II, is 1 box enough to relax virgin hair?

I have virgin hair and I my hair is near bra strap...Im just a few days away fromgoing to the stylist and im thinking of taking Affirm instead of Phyto.:confused: Help
no you better get at least two and maybe even three boxes!
i used phyto and wont be going back EVER! my hair loves this stuff! but you will need more than one box...i was in the exact same situation as you natural at BSL

good luck
Dang! Three or four boxes? How SMALL are those darn containers? :mad: My hair isn't as long...maybe 1-2 inches past collarbone length at the longest layer...surely one box is enough for that right? Or do I need two just to be on the safe side?
Lanelle said:
Dang! Three or four boxes? How SMALL are those darn containers? :mad: My hair isn't as long...maybe 1-2 inches past collarbone length at the longest layer...surely one box is enough for that right? Or do I need two just to be on the safe side?
Deeping on the thickness you will def need 2 boxes. If it's really thick I say three just in case. Make sure to relax in sections. Good Luck!
dontspeakdefeat said:
Deeping on the thickness you will def need 2 boxes. If it's really thick I say three just in case. Make sure to relax in sections. Good Luck!

I don't have very thick hair at's on the thin side. When you say to relax in sections are you referring to those old posts I read where one would section their hair off, relax, rinse, then neutralize that section only? Do the rest another day? Hmm...
When I said 4 I was assuming your hair is thick. Two might get it but I'd buy 3. You should know halfway thru jar 2 if you need to mix a 3rd or not. Is someone helping you?
To the OP- You'll need two or three boxes. If you plan to continue to use Phyto then buy three and if you don't need the third you'll have it for your touch up.

Lanelle, you might be able to get away with two boxes.
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UmSumayyah said:
When I said 4 I was assuming your hair is thick. Two might get it but I'd buy 3. You should know halfway thru jar 2 if you need to mix a 3rd or not. Is someone helping you?

I think the original poster has thick hair...I just kind of eased up in the thread wondering how many I would need. I don't have thick hair. Whenever I try it, I will get two boxes {thanks for the advice DontspeakDefeat and CandiceC} just in case and I think I would doing my hair alone.