Phytorelaxer vs. Elucence Relaxer


New Member

I spoke with a stylist last week and she told me that the Elucence relaxer and the Phytorelaxer are both very similar. Has anyone tried both products? And do you agree with her statement?

Thanks in advance,

Girl, are you trying to start a riot in here :D . Where is Kaddy, the Phyto pusher?

I would like to know myself though :yep: .
I am not trying to start a riot. I was merely curious and figured my LHCF friends would have an answer. But, the Elucence relaxer is cheaper...
If I could have I would have used Elucence because I love their products but you have to have a license for that one. I am loving my phytorelaxer so I don't feel bad about Elucence anymore.
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Nice said:
Girl, are you trying to start a riot in here :D . Where is Kaddy, the Phyto pusher?

I would like to know myself though :yep: .
:lachen: Here I am....what's all this talk about Elucence??? Who ever heard of such :lachen: Just kidding ladies. I don't know about that realxer, but all I can say is

Well what's in Elucence? Their site offers no ingredient listing. It says 'natural' but the label will tell all. :)

I don't think anything can fade Phyto but a second runner-up would be nice all the same ;) .