Phyto Users


New Member
So i am thinking of texlaxing with this relaxer but want to test it out first...One of the members is selling a portion of hers but does not have the neutralizing poo...Can I use another neutralizing poo or would it be wise to use the one that came with the system? If so, where could I purchase it alone??? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
I use phyto and its a really great system. When you are using chemicals i would play it safe and just go out and by the system brand new (no offense to whoever is selling). That way you wont lose sleep at night OR hair for that matter.

IF you are textlaxing i would pick up INDEX 1 :grin:

Oh one more thing, beware of that reconstructor. It gave me tangles REAL bad.
Thanks Atlien. Do you use Index 1? I have been looking for someone with pics of their hair after Index 1, but most girls here seem to use Index 2.
I use elucence acidifying poo or the profectiv foam to neutralize. I don't really like the phytospecific neutralizer. That little bottle wasn't enough, and after I used the whole thing the lather still wasn't the right color.
It is perfectly safe to use any color indicator neutralizing shampoo with Phyto. :)
Thanks for all the responses...I thought I possibly could but was not sure and Id like to try it to see how my hair reacts to it. Looking at Sareca's regimen I almost think it would be even better to use something else to help neutralize. I will definitely be checking into that. Thanks!!
Thanks for all the responses...I thought I possibly could but was not sure and Id like to try it to see how my hair reacts to it. Looking at Sareca's regimen I almost think it would be even better to use something else to help neutralize. I will definitely be checking into that. Thanks!!

I have to use ACV to help me neutralize. You could use two bottles of the one from the box and still have it not be white. :ohwell:
I have to use ACV to help me neutralize. You could use two bottles of the one from the box and still have it not be white. :ohwell:
Very true. I almost gave up on phyto last year, because of tangles and dryness. Then, I realized I wasn't neutralizing properly. Initially, I tried to do more shampoos with the one in the box, but even that wasn't enough. No matter how many shampoos I did, the one in the box wouldn't turn white (and stay that way). I decided to try some different neutralizing poos altogether. Now I use the elucence and/or profectiv neutralizer, ACV, and porosity control.
Yes very true Iuse avc to rinse with first and I wasnt in there for nearly an hour trying to wash it out. My hair loves the milky reconstructor and makes it super smooth!
Good luck with it
Yes very true Iuse avc to rinse with first and I wasnt in there for nearly an hour trying to wash it out. My hair loves the milky reconstructor and makes it super smooth!
Good luck with it

I use ACV as well and it really sped the neutralizing up! I'm currently stalking the postman for my Phyto 2:sekret: to end my 3 month stretch.