Phyto & Lye


Well-Known Member
I know phyto doesn't have lye it, but would it be in the same category as other no-lye relaxers?? I was thinking no b/c it doesn't have calcium hydroxide. I know a lot of people get dryness b/c of the calcium hydroxide...I guess what I am trying to figure out is if it's ok to put Phyto over a lye relaxer. Basically all of my hair needs to be relaxed/corrected since it was so badly underprocessed. Help!!!:confused:
Before I used Phyto I grew out my old perm. So my hair was virgin except for the very ends. I researched it before I decided to use it and found out that the straightener in Phyto is like what is found in depilatories (e.g. Nair). My doctor had me stop using relaxers when my hair kept breaking at the root (I was bald girl!). It took a lot of courage to try Phyto and I've never regretted it. If you're going to actually re-relax your hair, then Phyto is probably the best thing to do it with. HTH.