Phyto II to Phyto I??


Well-Known Member
Has anyone gone from using Phyto Index II to Phyto Index I? If so:

  1. Do you have coarse or fine hair?
  2. Are you textlaxed?
  3. How do you like the results? (Most important!)
Thanks! :grin:
Do you have coarse or fine hair? - Coarse

Are you textlaxed? - Not really. I use Phyto I because it leaves my hair full and not too straight. If I wet my hair I have a wave pattern. It gives me so much body and movement.

How do you like the results? (Most important!) I heart Phyto I!
I have coarse hair and use Index 1. I agree with tallglass2000. I get the same results. I love this relaxer and tell everyone I know to try it, but most don't because of the price.. BTW in another thread I read that Bath and Body Works is getting rid of this line and it's 75% off. I called around and the flagship stores are the only ones that carry it in the Chicago area.
Why did you decide to make the switch from I to II?

I am currently using Phyto II and considering going to Phyto I.

Thanks for the replies!
I am at work, and could only be compelled to sign in my a topic on Phyto. Taz, I'm so glad you asked this question. I just used Phytorelaxer for the first time this past Friday. It's great if you want to be bone straight, but I'm not sure if I want to be bone straight. I want THICKNESS! I want my hair to look like I could possibly be wearing a weave. Yes, with index 2 my locks are flowing, but I want some more oomph, and I want there to be a little bit of resistance left in my hair. With index 2 my locks are too silky and will not really get much volume. Volume is everything---it's so sexy.
I am at work, and could only be compelled to sign in my a topic on Phyto. Taz, I'm so glad you asked this question. I just used Phytorelaxer for the first time this past Friday. It's great if you want to be bone straight, but I'm not sure if I want to be bone straight. I want THICKNESS! I want my hair to look like I could possibly be wearing a weave. Yes, with index 2 my locks are flowing, but I want some more oomph, and I want there to be a little bit of resistance left in my hair. With index 2 my locks are too silky and will not really get much volume. Volume is everything---it's so sexy.

So did you recently use Index I or Index II?

So far I have been using Index II but for some crazy reason, I want to try Index I. I will be going online in a few moments to purchase a couple of boxes.
So did you recently use Index I or Index II?

So far I have been using Index II but for some crazy reason, I want to try Index I. I will be going online in a few moments to purchase a couple of boxes.

I'm in the exact same place! I have been using Index II successfully, but I want the Index I also. I'm going to relax over the weekend, so I better make my mind up soon. Do you know what your "crazy reason" is? Mine is part of my current hair boredom.
I'm in the exact same place! I have been using Index II successfully, but I want the Index I also. I'm going to relax over the weekend, so I better make my mind up soon. Do you know what your "crazy reason" is? Mine is part of my current hair boredom.

LOL, Soulie!

You named it: Boredom

Do you have coarse hair?

I'm 4b/fine, but I've got so much NG that I can discern a less tightly "kinked" area in the back, so maybe I have some 4a going on too? I've stuck with the Index II because that's what I started with, and it worked fine. My hesitation in switching is only "why mess with success?"
Wow, I was just considering posting this topic thanks for the thread OP!!

I use phyto II and would like to switch to I. However, I am afraid to waste 60 bucks if I end up not liking the result :( I have alot of density but my strands are fine to medium

I hope more people chime in on this one..
You doing that thesis on Phytospecific or something?:lachen::lachen:'s on The Color Purple...

ohhhh...u were making a really didn't want to know what I was writing on..

got it..

*let me stop sipping on the cold medication*

*Goes back to lookin at all the feeeee-to threads*
Wow, I was just considering posting this topic thanks for the thread OP!!

I use phyto II and would like to switch to I. However, I am afraid to waste 60 bucks if I end up not liking the result :( I have alot of density but my strands are fine to medium

I hope more people chime in on this one..

You were reading my mind. I just came back from purchasing Phyto II from BSS. After much pondering, I figured that I should keep doing what is working.

Why risk a setback?!

So I will be relaxing tomorrow. This new growth is killing me! :dance7:
You were reading my mind. I just came back from purchasing Phyto II from BSS. After much pondering, I figured that I should keep doing what is working.

Why risk a setback?!

So I will be relaxing tomorrow. This new growth is killing me! :dance7:
Taz, you already know what to do:poke:

Post pics!

I was up in the thread because I'm switching from II to I...but I haven't broken open the box will be awhile...

I will be stalking converts until that time comes...

If I is even milder than II...then that's great for my purposes.
I was up in the thread because I'm switching from II to I...but I haven't broken open the box will be awhile...

I will be stalking converts until that time comes...

If I is even milder than II...then that's great for my purposes.

I always mix SAA and olive oil in my Index II. That is another reason why I decided to stay with Index II 'cause I was unsure as to whether I could do this with Index I.

Maybe I wouldn't have to do this step with Index I ...hrmmm :scratchch
Ok, finally finished relaxing my hair using Phyto Index II. Phyto is just so awesome! :grin:

Results in siggy!
Sorry, I know this thread is old. Just for the record, since no one really discussed the difference between Phyto 1 and 2, I can share my experience since I have used both Phyto I and Phyto II.

I started with Phyto I a few years ago. After my first box (2 applications) I switched to Phyto II. I have been using Phyto II since.

I converted my 3 close girlfriends to Phyto when they saw my hair health and length retention. I am a 4A/B, another friend is a 4B, another is a 3C.

We all agreed that Phyto 1 relaxes bone straight, but Phyto II relaxes and still leaves some texture. By the way, I smooth my Phyto II when its applied - I dont use it as a texlaxer.

Now that there is more time, I can see the difference in my ends - the very ends have Phyto 1 while the rest of my hair is in Phyto II. Its not fragile where its breaking as if I were transitioning, but it does look noticeably thinner. Of course, that is because its straighter.

I refer to myself as a PhytoNatural or a Semi-Natural; since once I had all Phyto 2 hair, I basically had to start researching how to treat my hair as a natural since my original texture was showing for the first time and my hair began to be completely different. I had to transition out of Affirm, it needed TONS more moisture, rarely any protein, and just began to change completely from how it was before I ever used any other type of relaxer. For example, I have probably about 20-30% shrinkage now that I am a sole Phyto2 head.

I think both relaxers do an excellent job of preserving the integrity of your hair - which is why whether you use 1 or 2 it will still be so full after using it for years, instead of looking like thin, frail, see-through ends and ponytails. I think its because your hair shaft is a bit less damaged during the treatment, and stays stronger, longer.
Sorry, I know this thread is old. Just for the record, since no one really discussed the difference between Phyto 1 and 2, I can share my experience since I have used both Phyto I and Phyto II.

I started with Phyto I a few years ago. After my first box (2 applications) I switched to Phyto II. I have been using Phyto II since.

I converted my 3 close girlfriends to Phyto when they saw my hair health and length retention. I am a 4A/B, another friend is a 4B, another is a 3C.

We all agreed that Phyto 1 relaxes bone straight, but Phyto II relaxes and still leaves some texture. By the way, I smooth my Phyto II when its applied - I dont use it as a texlaxer.

Now that there is more time, I can see the difference in my ends - the very ends have Phyto 1 while the rest of my hair is in Phyto II. Its not fragile where its breaking as if I were transitioning, but it does look noticeably thinner. Of course, that is because its straighter.

I refer to myself as a PhytoNatural or a Semi-Natural; since once I had all Phyto 2 hair, I basically had to start researching how to treat my hair as a natural since my original texture was showing for the first time and my hair began to be completely different. I had to transition out of Affirm, it needed TONS more moisture, rarely any protein, and just began to change completely from how it was before I ever used any other type of relaxer. For example, I have probably about 20-30% shrinkage now that I am a sole Phyto2 head.

I think both relaxers do an excellent job of preserving the integrity of your hair - which is why whether you use 1 or 2 it will still be so full after using it for years, instead of looking like thin, frail, see-through ends and ponytails. I think its because your hair shaft is a bit less damaged during the treatment, and stays stronger, longer.

Thanks for your post because im currently contemplating which one to get but I am a litte confused. Are you saying that index 2 is weaker than index 1. The index 2 is supposed to make your hair straighter and it seems as if you are acheving the opposite so now i'm confused.
Index II is the stronger one. It will get you bone straight no problem as a 4a/b if that is what you want.

If you want a texlaxer you will have to slow Index II down with conditioner and/or Oils or use Index I which is much milder and indicated for fine and fragile hair.