phony buns


Jesus, I Trust In You!
For those who use the artificial bun to protect your ends, are the phony buns deep or shallow?
I went to the BSS to buy one today and the bottom seemed too shallow to be able to hide my hair+plastic bag. I refused to buy it since they don't honor return of hair items and I already wasted money on a phonytail that was too big for me and sits here till date.
bump bump bump thud
When i use the buns, i usually braid my hair into one large braid and tuck it under it self. Then i place the bun on top. I use the really really skinny hair pins to hold it in place, because if i don't u'll see my hair underneath. So far that works for me. At the time i was using it, i had a lil' bit below shoulder length natural hair.

That's what my mom does...a braid and then the bun. She has no trouble getting her hair under the bun. Hers is quite deep IMO and braided...
Thanks Tracy and Nefertiti,
I guess my question wasn't clear. I'm asking if the bun hole or cup is supposed to be as shallow as the one I saw in the BSS?