Suggestion Pet Column


Don't Come for me unless I send for you!
Hello, I wanted to know if it were possible to have a separate area for pets. Myself along with other members have darling furry family members and I think it would be great to have a place to ask questions about breeds, grooming, temperament control, play dates, etc. TIA
Do we get that many pet questions to warrant its own section? I love dogs and am always happy to see dog threads, the positive ones, but don't see them often.
I'd love a pets section for us furmommys and our furbabies! :cloud9:

Realistically though, I don't think that this will happen. Would a pet forum have enough support? Doubt it....
Loving this idea!

I am looking into getting a small dog soon and would love to chat with other small dog owners to get some advice, info, contacts, etc. :nicethread:

ETA: maybe it can be a sublet section, such as the "Nail Fanatics"? but in the OT or some other section
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I love doggies and all... but that's just random.

This is not a pet forum, why not just post in Off Topic?
I love doggies and all... but that's just random.

This is not a pet forum, why not just post in Off Topic?

Notice this was a suggestion and not a request. Suggestion: n.
1. The act of suggesting.
2. Something suggested: We ordered the shrimp, a suggestion of the waiter.
3. The sequential process by which one thought or mental image leads to another.
4. a. A psychological process by which an idea is induced in or adopted by another without argument, command, or coercion.
b. An idea or response so induced.

LCHF is an online discussion forum where people can share ideas and have discussions. We are a community.
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