Permed ends?

Je Ne Sais Quoi

Well-Known Member
How do you know when you are all natural? I am having a hard time because when my hair is wet I have some straight ends here in there but I refuse to believe its permed since my hair is so short and I have permed in over a year. What characteristics make up permed ends?
It’s hard to answer this question for your hair specifically, but I had a similar experience a few months ago when I did I final chop (I clipped gradually over 11 months transitioning). My relaxed ends felt much drier that the rest of my hair and shot in if many different directions—kind of like worn bristles. Another thing I noticed was that different parts of my hair grow at different rates, so while the back was 100% natural, the front, which was shorter, had to be cut a little more.

Another explanation for the straight ends could be from heat. Again, I don’t know your specific situation :) but I have had the experience of using heated implement on my hair that was too hot and permanently straightened my unprocessed hair :ohwell: (very frustrating, and a lot of why I stopped even trying to use heat...besides burning the heck out of my ears and forehead :lol: ). So, if you are sure you’ve clipped all of the relaxer out, this could be the reason for straighter pieces of hair, if you have used heat on your hair.
