><Perm Experts... Styling for upcoming perm><


Well-Known Member
Darn, I havent posted here in a while...

Okay, tonight I am going wash and do hair, on monday plan on getting a perm... I currently have hair str8.. I may rollerset it again if no other choices, just lazy and dont feel like doing hair... I washed on sunday...

I want to know if there are any other alternatives...because rollerset process is so long... Currently my roots are crazy from MTG an surge...

IF I do a braidout it will be to kinky too get perm, and dont want stylists pullin hair to comb... I could do a wet pony, but I would have to do again on sat or sun, because it will not last that long...and agin just lazy at moment...

Any advice/rec's?

Also anyone reccommend me not doing the mtg and surge?
how about a pony tail, apply some moisturizer and a little jam or whatever tames your NG and tei it down w/a satin scarf to set it. I don't know the length of your hair so I don't really have a suggestion on how to style the ends of the pony.HTH
BeautifulWideEyes said:
how about a pony tail, apply some moisturizer and a little jam or whatever tames your NG and tei it down w/a satin scarf to set it. I don't know the length of your hair so I don't really have a suggestion on how to style the ends of the pony.HTH
yeh I figured that would be only option...but to lazy to repeat over weekend, since it seems like pony's only last three days tops..., so decisions, decision decision, lo BTW I can twist or braid ends and let out or but in a roller then let it hang, or a bun...l