Perhaps it's time say goodbye to relaxing...


Well-Known Member
And go back "home" to the hair I had before my walk on the chemical side began.

Lately, I've been at a real fork in the road with my hair, and a discussion with my stylist this past weekend pretty much sealed the fact that I will continue letting her relax my hair, or I got what would be my last touchup.

I got my first professional perm when I was 22, after a botched-up attempt at self-relaxing for the first time. My first stylist was a scissors-happy, heavy-handed, loud-mouthed chick whose own hair was never longer than 2 inches and who would get snippy whenever I protested getting my hair chopped. It was when I switched stylists that I found out that I had excessive breakage, leaving my hair so uneven that my new stylist refused to work with it unless I got much of it cut. It took some persuading on her part, but I relented and ended up with short hair for the first and only time in my life. A year later I had my shoulder-length hair again. That stylist then got pregnant and ended up quitting, and after a year-long stint with a fellow male stylist at the same salon (that ended when he went in rehab) I ended up with my current stylist. In addition to being a great lady, she has always been supportive of my desire to grow my hair as long as I can and has always given me good advice (that I admit I seldom followed) and I would hate to lose her.

However, after being relaxed for 20+ years and considering the rate at which my hair grows, even with a couple of bob cuts over the years, my hair should be dragging the floor. But I'm forever shoulder length, and it's been really nagging at me and I'm wondering why I'm going through it all. I've never had really thick hair, but it was thicker than it is now. And having grown up on the hot comb and learning how to detangle my natural hair, it wouldn't be that difficult of an adjustment for me. I don't know what 'type' my hair falls under (growing up you either had "good" hair or nappy hair), but I know how to comb it and detangle it. It's just a matter of deciding whether I'm ready to take a little more time with it.

I had a dream a couple nights ago, where I was combing my hair. It was natural, and it was halfway down my back. I woke up and was disappointed when I realized it was a dream.

I think that being over 40 has a lot to do with my feelings about my hair. On one hand, I'm tired of the constant focus on length, almost to the point where cutting it ultra short is sounding better and better. On the other hand, I'd love to be able to say I achieved BSL without having to relax it. Relaxing is getting old and hell, it's just time for something DIFFERENT, kwim?. I want to do something else with that money and I'm tired of spending half of a weekend in the salon.

Needless to say, I've been reading a lot of the naturals/transitioning threads to help me decide. I attempted to transition years ago without the BC and couldn't do it. The timing wasn't right. This time feels different. I've even lurked on the Nappturality boards but those ladies are too militant for me. Natural hair ain't that deep to me; it's just my hair.

Thanks for letting a sister vent. :-)
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whatever you decide to do, i wish you the best. :grin:

*ETA: i like your avi, that big happy smile reminds me of my mom. and yes my mama is as young as you are so don't think i'm calling you old! :lachen: i just mean it is warm and inviting. :yep:
Hey Connie! Well if you do you have support over here.

About the age thing, I totally agree.:look: I was thinking about relaxing my hair again and I was like what am I going to do when I hit 40, no way would I be at that age still getting relaxers and I figured then I would not even want the hassle. I cant imagine being 50, 60 years old STILL on that grind. I dont blame you at all.
Hey Connie! :wave:

I too made the decision to transition, although I'm still very early into mine. I'm tired of depending on relaxers to achieve a straight look that I could get by just flat ironing my natural texture.

My mom has become natural after a baaaaaaaaaaad salon experience, which also involved a lawsuit, and I see her curls and it makes me so excited to see what my natural hair texture might be!

It won't be easy, but it won't be hard either. Good luck with your transition, and like Irresistible said, enjoy the ride! :drunk:
Hey Connie! Well if you do you have support over here.

About the age thing, I totally agree.:look: I was thinking about relaxing my hair again and I was like what am I going to do when I hit 40, no way would I be at that age still getting relaxers and I figured then I would not even want the hassle. I cant imagine being 50, 60 years old STILL on that grind. I dont blame you at all.

Imagine how much it'll cost to get a relaxer when I'm 60. Perhaps by then all the sisters who relax will be doing it themselves.
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Hey Connie! :wave:

I too made the decision to transition, although I'm still very early into mine. I'm tired of depending on relaxers to achieve a straight look that I could get by just flat ironing my natural texture.

My mom has become natural after a baaaaaaaaaaad salon experience, which also involved a lawsuit, and I see her curls and it makes me so excited to see what my natural hair texture might be!

It won't be easy, but it won't be hard either. Good luck with your transition, and like Irresistible said, enjoy the ride! :drunk:

Hey, did you reach BSL being natural?
Hey, did you reach BSL being natural?

Well I just started my transition, but I'm currently about 1.5 inches away from being BSL.

I don't know how long it will stay this way though, because as I transition shrinkage will of course occur and I'll be snipping off relaxed ends. But I don't plan on BCing at all.
Well I just started my transition, but I'm currently about 1.5 inches away from being BSL.

I don't know how long it will stay this way though, because as I transition shrinkage will of course occur and I'll be snipping off relaxed ends. But I don't plan on BCing at all.

As someone who attempted to do a transition w/o BC before, I can attest to the fact that the more new growth you get, the greater the urge to chop off all the relaxed hair. I didn't have the patience to work with two textures before and only time will tell if I can go the whole stretch this time should I decide to go for it.

It would be so much easier if I didn't have a weekly workout schedule (once I finally get my a** moving) to factor into the equation. Most naturals say working out with natural hair is easier, but for me it's been the opposite. I don't worry about sweat or humidity with my relaxed strands, but it may be a challenge if I were natural unless I found something that could keep my natural hair from reverting under humidity or workout sweat. When I was natural I shampoo'ed every two weeks (but I wasn't working out); as a relaxed head I shampoo every week regardless.

I have a lot to think about.
As someone who attempted to do a transition w/o BC before, I can attest to the fact that the more new growth you get, the greater the urge to chop off all the relaxed hair. I didn't have the patience to work with two textures before and only time will tell if I can go the whole stretch this time should I decide to go for it.

It would be so much easier if I didn't have a weekly workout schedule (once I finally get my a** moving) to factor into the equation. Most naturals say working out with natural hair is easier, but for me it's been the opposite. I don't worry about sweat or humidity with my relaxed strands, but it may be a challenge if I were natural unless I found something that could keep my natural hair from reverting under humidity or workout sweat. When I was natural I shampoo'ed every two weeks (but I wasn't working out); as a relaxed head I shampoo every week regardless.

I have a lot to think about.

look into Sabino Moisture Block. i flat-ironed my hair and went to work, it held up pretty well. i'm a server and we got SLAMMED that day, literally i think i spent the whole shift running back and forth. :spinning:
look into Sabino Moisture Block. i flat-ironed my hair and went to work, it held up pretty well. i'm a server and we got SLAMMED that day, literally i think i spent the whole shift running back and forth. :spinning:

Thanks, I'll check it out.
OP I totally feel ya. I'm only 25 but I feel like being on the relaxing merry go round is old too. I'm such an abnormal member here b/c I regularly post in natural and relaxed threads! (even though I'm relaxed, 9.5 weeks post and considering transitioning).

I just admited in a relaxer thread that I've never had a relaxer experience that I liked (except one at a salon). It's better when I do it myself, but still, why all the drama!

I'm also at a fork in the road with you. Let's just pick up our forks and go eat (I'm hungry and waiting for lunch time :-) We can turn our lemons into lemonade. I hear Irresistable, maybe we do need to take a walk on the natural side!
Hi Connie,

When I decided to transition to natural instead of big chopping right away, I thought about the focus on length as well, but after a few months, I started to not care anymore about length. Transitioning was more of a hassle to me, so I decided to just big chop since having natural hair was my ultimate goal. I love being natural and I am glad I do not have to worry about chemical touch-ups anymore.

Best wishes to whatever you decide to do! ;)
You sound like a did about 5 years ago when I decided to go natural. I had been relaxing almost 20 years and the longest my hair ever got was a little past shoulder length and extremely thin. So at almost 39 years of age I cut off all my relaxer (I had 1/4" of hair), and I just started growing my natural hair. Well fast forward over 5 years later, my hair has never been this long and healthy ever!!! I am a little past BSL when I straighten and now I have more hair than I no what to do with.

I say try it!!! Transistion, go natural, that is. My first year as a natural I told myself that I could always relax if I wanted to, but after over 5 years, I have never wanted to relax again! Good luck in you decision.
I just got my touchup this past weekend, so it'll be a while before I see new growth again. The good thing is that I'm a pro at stretching my relaxers. My stylist would rather see me every 8 weeks; I've been strolling in every 4-5 months. I don't even notice I have new growth until 12 weeks (when the comb stops 'gliding' through my hair) and then I spend 3-4 more weeks trying to decide when I want to spend some of my extra money in a retouch or which weekend I want to spend halfway in the salon.

ETA...I want Honeycomb's hair! Your hair is gorgeous!

How do you 4a/4b naturals get your hair to shine? I'd miss that more than anything.
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I just got my touchup this past weekend, so it'll be a while before I see new growth again. The good thing is that I'm a pro at stretching my relaxers. My stylist would rather see me every 8 weeks; I've been strolling in every 4-5 months. I don't even notice I have new growth until 12 weeks (when the comb stops 'gliding' through my hair) and then I spend 3-4 more weeks trying to decide when I want to spend some of my extra money in a retouch or which weekend I want to spend halfway in the salon.

ETA...I want Honeycomb's hair! Your hair is gorgeous!

How do you 4a/4b naturals get your hair to shine? I'd miss that more than anything.

Thank you! As for shine, there are hair gels, leave-ins, etc. that can help you achieve shine. One thing about being natural though is that "one size does not fit all" as far as products, so, you'll probably have to do a lot of experimenting to find what works for you, I know I did!
Thank you! As for shine, there are hair gels, leave-ins, etc. that can help you achieve shine. One thing about being natural though is that "one size does not fit all" as far as products, so, you'll probably have to do a lot of experimenting to find what works for you, I know I did!

Most definitely. There are a lot of so-called "black" hair care products that my relaxed hair doesn't like. My natural hair was happy with petroleum jelly (yes, I was raised on White Rose and Royal Crown; Afro Sheen was when someone other than my Mom did my hair). I can't even stand anything that heavy on my hair now, not even when it was natural.