Perfecting the rollerset


New Member
I am doing a rollset as I type this. Okay it's finished and I am half air drying half hood dryer drying. My question to the ladies that have perfected the home rollerset is... How do you get the roots straight? I mean I try to make the rollers as tight as possible but when I put the clip on to hold the roller in place, the roots scrunch right up. Maybe it is the long duck billed clips I am using? I don't know but how do I get the rollers tighter? Should I change clips?
I use the short clips, 2 on each side. The clips shouldn't really affect the roots if you gently slide them in. But the key for me to getting the roots straight is in the roll. You need to hold the hair away from the scalp and roll back. So imagine the front top roller... Comb that hair away from your face toward the mirror, not toward the ceiling. When you roll back, you get smooth roots.

baglady215 said:
I use the short clips, 2 on each side. The clips shouldn't really affect the roots if you gently slide them in. But the key for me to getting the roots straight is in the roll. You need to hold the hair away from the scalp and roll back. So imagine the front top roller... Comb that hair away from your face toward the mirror, not toward the ceiling. When you roll back, you get smooth roots.


Thank you I will try that next time! For now I guess I will blow the roots out.