Perfect conditioner wash conditioner


New Member
I'm new to this whole conditioner wash thing and I was looking for a conditioner that fir the following criteria:

cost $8 or less (I'm willing to pay for for deep/protein etc... conditioners, but I'm looking for a cheaper one for a conditioner wash)

isn't too heavy (since I'm gonna conditioner after the c/w, I don't need anything weighing my hair down)

dosn't have too much fragrance (some is good, but anything with a HUGE AMOUNT of fragrance like V05 conditioners dries my hair, whatever those added ingredients are just arn't good for it)


cheapo suave conditioners esp. the suave humectant (imitation of nexxus humectress) and the suave biobasics (imit. of biolage conditioning balm)

THANKS. appreciate it! does anyone find that more expensive conditioners work better for conditioner washes than cheaper ones like suave? although i want a good price and suave is looking good, i wanna make sure i'm not sacraficing hair health.
I only use salon products and jason naturals. The salon conditioners I use are kenra, and sebastian laminates. They are kinda thick, which you may not want. The one that works the best for quick 10 minute, in the shower conditioner washes is the Jason Naturals Sea kelp. It isn't runny, but it isn't too thick either, most of the ingrediants are oraganic, and I got 16oz at Whole foods for 3.89. If you can find the Jason, it is what I would recomend, it moisturizes, and the smell is mild.

I seriously think the Suave Coconut is the best and cheapest - less then 2.00 for the large size - works very well.

I bought some Ultra Sheen super detangling in the econo size this past weekend - spent 5.00 and don't like at all, will use and NEVER purchase again!!
I think as long as u are using a moisturizing conditioner for your conditioner washes, u ought to be fine. I don't think u would be compromising the health of your hair. And if it turns out not to be so great, add some glycerine or oil to it. I've used expensive conditioners and imo many of the cheaper conditioners work just as well. I use the more expensive deep conditioners (and thank god they've worked for me) because I am here in Germany and don't have much of a choice. But I've used Garnier, Dove, Herbal Essence and they've worked well for my cond. wash. Can't wait to get my hands on some VO5 and Suave though.
I have had best results with Aussie 3 minute miracle.It is cheap and with my combouts I lose very little hair no matter how much growth I have.It leaves my hair very soft and I don't even need to use oil when going to bed at night.
However,it has a very strong cough syrupy smell.It doesn't dry my hair out in the least tho.And the smell disappears after your hair dries.

I was even thinking of switching to that as my deep conditioner since I am amazed at how little hair I lose in combouts compared to my expensive deep conditioners.
For me it's Elucence hand down. If I want to stretch it a little I'll mix it with Herbal Essences Intense Conditioning Balm.... But out of all the ones I use ELucence leaves my hair the most moisturized.
I use Suave clarifying Conditioner. Its cheap and it does not leave a build up on my hair and I love it!
Right now, I use VO5 conditions... but I'm in the process of trying other conditions... Elucence, HE Conditioning Balm, Pantene... I'm gonna have fun trying out these new products
I used Suave Professionals Humectant tonight for a conditioner wash and I am in love!! This stuff is nice and thick and completely different from the Suave Naturals Coconut which did nothing for my hair. It smells great, detangles well, and gave awesome slip! I'm so glad to have finally found a good conditioner that about 2 bucks! The smell stuck around, too! I will be trying the Suave Professional Biobasics next week.
I just tried Daily Defense Tender Apple conditioner and it's great! I think it's by Clairol, but the bottle doesn't say. The back just says, " Made in Mexico... distributed by Proctor & Gamble." It's in the Suave/V05/White Rain section at my Wal-Mart.

It doesn't smell very "apple-y", but it smells nice. It's thicker than the V05's, but it rinses out better than the Suave's, IMO. It's feels very slippery going on and it detangles as well as Pantene S&S for me. And it's only $0.96 at Wal-Mart.

BUT--this stuff is flying off the shelves like hot cakes! I bought two bottles on Monday. I went back for more on Wednesday and the shelf was bare! All that was left was the shampoo!

Patene smooth and sleek hands down.

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I second the Pantene S&S.

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I third! This is a product I didn't care for at first but now I can't live without it. Well ... I could, but you know what I mean.
Patene smooth and sleek hands down.

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I second the Pantene S&S.

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I third! This is a product I didn't care for at first but now I can't live without it. Well ... I could, but you know what I mean.

[/ QUOTE ]

I fourth!!! I love it, love it, love it!!!