'Perfect Christian Relationship'


New Member
what do you think would be the characteristics of a 'perfect' christian relationship between a man and a woman who are courting.

I'll start with...
1. Prayer and fellowship together. Basically being able to have 'church' with just the 2 of you.
Great post Missy T! :)

Respect one another! The bible says that the husband is to love his wife just as Jesus loves the church. (Ephesians 5:25)

Ephesians 5:33 also says:Each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
weaveitup said:
*gets her notepad out* i really need this...

:lol: you're so cute.

I'd have to say TRUST. Each partner must be trustworthy. In Proverbs 31, when speaking about a noble wife, it starts off by saying...

"* 11 Her husband has full confidence in her
****** and lacks nothing of value."
Each must have the own relationship with the Lord, not reling on the other for their relationship. This I think must be the first thing, because everything else will fall into place with this one requirement
These are great points. In addition to that I learned that having your own identity is important and it is important o know that a man/woman won't complete you. Also the purpose of marriage, and our lives period is to advance the kingdom of God. Marriage isn't just for making babies and going on trips. I also learned that it is important to continually make goals with your mate.

I was taught that Is 54:1-17 is what God wants a husband to do.

A good husband will
1. Is 54:1-3 help his wife find fullfillment. Gives her positive reinforcement. Be her cheerleader. Men can't be intimated by God's purpose for his wife.
2. Is 54:4 Makes her feel secure.
3. Is 54:4 Builds his wife reputation, so she won't ever be ashamed or embarrased by something you've done. Nor does he allow anyone in his family to tear her down.
4. Displays Godly Character. He is faithful, loyal, commited, dedicated, speaks the truth, dependable, believable,and real.
5. Is 54:6-8 Does not allow prolonged conflict or lingering anger to keep him seprated from his wife.
6. vs 11--brings comfort to her during times of stress. And he does that buy buying jewels. :woot: (which is why it is important that a man have a job and things like that in line before he even thinks about dating).
7. Teaches his children
8. Protects her from danger.

A good wife will

I'll be back later......
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Thank you Cinnabuns.

Honey Hips, that is agreat list...I'm looking forward to the list of things a good wife will do.

Please keep 'em coming.
good post, although I don't believe in "perfection" but I see what your getting at missyT ;)

Honeyhips, thanks for the scripture, I will be adding this to favorites :yep:
I have no man but, I do have a co-worker who is truly annointed and blessed by God to be involved in a Godly relationship. Her name is Tiffany, I asked her to give her thoughts on this subject. Here is what she had to say:

First of all, you have to realize that there is no such thing as a perfect Christian relationship. When we start thinking there is, then we forget to pray... we see no reason to pray. The truth is that every one of us is still human and we are bound to make mistakes. The good news is that if we stay focused on God above all, even our boyfriend or girlfriend, then we are less likely to make those mistakes. My advice would be 1) read the Bible together and learn together. What better way to grow closer than through the Word of God. 2) Pray together if you feel comfortable to. If not, then pray for each other. 3) Do not put yourself in a situation where the adversary could use it to his advantage and tempt you to do ungodly things. But MOST of all, ABOVE all that you could do, you MUST keep God first. The worst thing you could do is to put all of your attention into that other person because you will slowly let your guard down and make room for the enemy to sneak in and mess things up for the both of you. Pray, and pray without ceasing.
God bless,:rosebud:
This is a very good topic!!! I needed this info. Both my boyfriend and myelf are christians. We are trying to do the dating thing the way God wants us to. Temptation is very hard to push away. We are working at it. Please pray for us. Thanks again for the info.
I think there is perfection in Christ and when we are doing things in Him and letting him shine through us there is perfection so I would have to say one of the things that would be present for a perfect Christian relationship would be the knowledge that we are not just in the relationship for each other but if we both realize that we are together to advance the kingdom of God (plus I think that would help for my future hubby not to be "up under" me all the time:lachen:, I can say "go advance the kingdom and let me have my space:D )