People who send unsolicited/Sexual photos.


Well-Known Member
Who else has dealt with this? Does it annoy you?

The last few guys I have talked to have sent me random pictures that I didn't ask for, sometimes they are shirtless or just flat out busting out their crayon :look:

I have also noticed that a LOT of men ask me to send them pictures. I feel like if you know what I look like then KEEP IT MOVING! I might send a face pic to be nice but I've run across men who have asked for pics on a consistent basis.
^same I feel there is a level of utter disrespect to send me a dicpic that I know I didn't ask for. I would definitely cut communication with those dudes
I have received pics from guys despite me telling them NO I dont want a pic of you!!! No shirt, towel only, etc...These men are a trip!
I have only received a few crayon pics in my life. One was from my honey when we first started dating. I dont give off the crayon lover vibe I guess. I demand respect from all men. Respect me or get lost!
yep. only men i meet online. i only talk to dudes in their 40s, so its not an age thing. its a them telling what theyre really after thing.
I was off the market for a few years and when I started dating again "sending pics" was the new thing. No build up or anything. Just a Hi and then an inappropriate pic. I recently had a guy ask me to send him a "sensual pic" I sent him a real regular pic from IG... He was not happy.
I was off the market for a few years and when I started dating again "sending pics" was the new thing. No build up or anything. Just a Hi and then an inappropriate pic. I recently had a guy ask me to send him a "sensual pic" I sent him a real regular pic from IG... He was not happy.

Yep that's pretty much my situation, I've only been single a short time but I guess this is what's hot now. I don't mind sending face pics but I know that's their way of building up to something else.
I had a ninja ask me just a few hours ago. Fool KIM


I received a "how's your day going" text earlier today that was IMMEDIATELY followed by a shirtless pic. I was sooooo not impressed by what I saw and he had the nerve to ask me if I liked it. Hell naw, keep that mess to yourself.
I find it embarrassing and a desperate attempt to get my attention . I received more than I wanted and none had the effect desired ,lets put it like that .My reaction is usually *raise eyebrow-eyes roll-smirk-delete *
I don't get it either. One fool had the nerve to send an unsolicited pic of his peen in the middle of my work day while I was at lunch with colleagues! I deleted the pic and didn't respond. Then a few hours later dude asks what I thought...I told him to never do that again.

What floored me was that dude was in his 30s...when I was in undergrad guys didn't do that. Dude's who are my age don't do that. I don't know where this trend came from.
Have ya'll seen the d*** in a box skit? If not, youtube it. But I truly wonder if these men think we would react like those ladies in the skit when they send those pics
I don't get it either. One fool had the nerve to send an unsolicited pic of his peen in the middle of my work day while I was at lunch with colleagues! I deleted the pic and didn't respond. Then a few hours later dude asks what I thought...I told him to never do that again. What floored me was that dude was in his 30s...when I was in undergrad guys didn't do that. Dude's who are my age don't do that. I don't know where this trend came from.

I don't understand it either, if I didn't ask for it what makes you think I'm interested?
I've had one guy send me one. He first sent me one of him flexing his back muscles while working out to feel me out. I responded back saying nice muscles or something. Then the next pic right after that was like BAM!! here it is!! Full frontal!! I cursed him out about disrespecting me and that was it for him. Disrespectful loser!