People in length challenges

I'm on the BSL 2008 and the MBL 2009 challenge. Here's what I do on a regular basis:

• Wash every 3 or 4 days
• DC with heat at every wash
• Prepoo with protein based conditioner + oils
• Start my oil rinses when I’m few weeks post (4+)
• Wear protective styles regularly
• Stretch relaxers for 12 weeks
• I did not trimmed/dusted my ends for a year
• Use very little heat (once a month to check length if that)

Also, I have to add that I noticed the most grow when I was doing exercise 4 to 5 days a week (3 months ago...:ohwell:). I used to be very disciplined with my exercise routine and would not skip my vitamins: Biotin, Ultimate 10 Probiotic, Ultra Nourish Hair, Organic Flax seed oil, Amino 1000 & liquid B-12. My new growth was killing me @ 8 wks post and I was definitely more energetic and eating healthier. It was the perfect combination indeed.....:yep:
I'm new to LCHF and haven't joined any challenges. When I was lurking the boards months ago, I made by own personal challenge after a BC to chin length to grow back to SL by the end of 2008. Well I am now at layered CBL.

I have all the wonderful ladies at LCHF to thank for exceeding my hair goal in 2008. For 2009 I will focus on achieving APL.

My regimen:

Co-Wash every 3-4 days and Shampoo 1x week
DC after every wash
Protein Conditioner – every other week
Moisturize and seal 2x day
Roller set and saran wrap
Protective Styling
Relaxer every 12-14 weeks
Eating healthy, vitamins, water, exercise and scalp massages seem to be the most important things that you can do to good grow. I am pretty sure you all are already retaining length.
I've entered the MBL 2009 & WL 2009 challenges. (Gives me more incentive):yep:. Vits/supps, scalp massagges, just started the Moe Gro routine and lots of water.
I'm relying on combing/otherwise manipulating my hair only once or twice a week, protective styles, nightly scalp massages with coconut oil, nightly moisturization, weekly DC treatments, bi-weekly to monthly Hendigo treatments, taking my multi-vitamin every night, and wearing silk scarves on my hair when I go to sleep. Hopefully this should be enough, lol.
I am in the BSL 09 Challenge.

I am stretching, protecting all winter, using MN and Bee Mine. DCing and rollersetting weekly. I am praying that my goal is feasible :look: