People Bondage- Are you FREE, too?


  • I am free from People Bondage

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • Pray for me; I'm still working on this

    Votes: 7 58.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
When we strive to become Christians, we fight all kinds of bondage, esp. bondage to sin. There's one type of bondage that also can hinder or block my blessings, and that's People Bondage -Worrying what others think and letting how/what others think about us dictate our actions. This bondage also ties in with the bondage of will, when Paul warns of not using grace to sin but to be truly FREE.

To paraphrase a saying: When you're in your 20s, you care about what everyone thinks, in your 40s you tend not to care what anyone says, by your 60s you wish someone would even look your way.

I have been freed from People Bondage. But when I look back, I remember some of the things that kept me from receiving a blessing when I was in People Bondage:

I used to dress to attract the young men I had a crush on in church
I didn't want the Spirit on me, for fear of falling out or being ridiculed
I HAD to make sure I didn't wear the same clothes twice in one month
I was ashamed of my $1 offering and balled it up in my hands so no one saw it
Crying or showing emotion in church was not an option; so I refrained
I sometimes sat in the front, so others would notice my new hair-do/outfit
I was ashamed of pulling out my Bible in public for fear of being called a Fanatic
.... I could go on and on.

John 8:36 - If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed~
Honestly, no, I am not free from people bondage. I am giving some thought to things I need to work on so I'll be back.

Great topic, btw.
I've been free from people bondage for over a year now. I don't worry too much about what others think, I stay prayerful and ask God what does he think according to his word.
I'm still working on breaking totally free from people bondage. God began dealing with me about this issue through a lesson called "Divorcing Yourself from the Opinions of Others" that my pastor taught around this time last year. My pastor said that "people's opinions of you are only important to the degree that you seek or need their approval." That really struck my spirit and God began to show me just how much of what I do, say, think, and act revolves around what people have said or will say, have thought or will think. It was a true eye opener to say the least. Holy Spirit now challenges me daily to examine the motives behind everything I do or say, whether it's to impress or please people, or to please the Father alone. It's definitely a journey but one that has been liberating.
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I did things and accepted things from awful people because of the "approval" I needed. God is slowly taking that need from me.
Great post. I was just speaking with a friend of mine this morning about this very same issue. I have always thought that this wasn't an issue of mine but the Lord has revealed an individual in which I have been in bondage to (their opinion of me). God is working on me. It is an indicator of my need to be able see myself as God sees me and others opinions of me as just that "an opinion" in the past I would try to show others that they were incorrect in their opinion, assumptions or wherever they were gleaning their info from which was quite exhausting. God is my vindicator and I do not choose to allow myself to be enslaved by anyone ANYMORE. The truth of the matter is that people are going to believe what they want and it has nothing to do with us. I am going to enjoy just being the woman who God created me to be nothing more nothing less. I will be prayer for freedom for all of you who are struggling with this as I am.
Holy Spirit now challenges me daily to examine the motives behind everything I do or say, whether it's to impress or please people, or to please the Father alone. It's definitely a journey but one that has been liberating.

I like that you talk about the Holy Spirit as a person...! Which he is. God Bless you for sharing those precious words of wisdom. I standin agreement that we need the presence of the HOly Spirit daily to admonish or make us notice when we do/say things that are not pleasing to him.

I's a very liberating experience! Praise God. gonna make me have CHOYCH up in here!

I just prayed for and with you... that God pours out his Wisdom in you! You are Blessed.

I am dealing with this also ,
for example when i feel like dancing in public i don't because i am afraid what people will think of me.
Reading or praying out loud or even siging in church (God please deliver me please) so i can praise you name no matter where or how.
I am dealing with this also ,
for example when i feel like dancing in public i don't because i am afraid what people will think of me.
Reading or praying out loud or even siging in church (God please deliver me please) so i can praise you name no matter where or how.

I can relate to all of the examples that you gave. And I am in agreement with you: Heavenly Father please deliver all of us who are seeking to be free from the bondage of people's opinions so that we praise You at all times!
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I pray that we all are freed from all bondage...agreed. Amen!