:Peeking in...: Another newbie coming out of the closet

Hi All,
Just wanted to introduce myself and come completely out of the closet to officially "join the sistahood." I began my journey to healthy hair care on October 18, 2006, using the Cathy Howse technique, but since have given up on using her products.:( Since joining LHCF, in Feb. 07, I gained so much more ground and I have quickly recovered from my losses from the past 3 months. You ladies have truly inspired me (yes, I AM a fotki stalker!) and you have provided me with so many more options on how to grow my hair more quickly (I immediately jumped on the MTG bandwagon...and might I add, with GREAT results!):grin: I am working on setting up a fotki or adding more pics for you guys...I love looking at everyone's progress pics. Anyway, just wanted to join the sistahood and say, "hello."
WELCOME :wave:. I'm Glad that you decided to come out of the closet:p . Enjoy your time here and HHG!