Peace. Love. Hair.


New Member
I was thinking today about my hair and how it seems I haven't been able to get past SL for the loooongest time, and how it's always a little rebellious when I style (specially that crown, lol), and just generally griping about my hair when I told myself STOP! My hair is in a pretty healthy state right now, and I've got more info for it than I ever had before (thanks in no small part to this forum).

So, ladies, I challenge you: write something you absolutely love about your hair. It can be anything you like, so long as it's something positive (so no negativity, no 'I like my hair, but I'll really like it once I hit butt length', and absolutely no comparisons!).

Let this be a celebration of your hair just the way it is now (not how you want it to be in 5 years), and all the good you've accomplished with it, be it a length or health goal, or even a cute new style you've just mastered!

Peace to you all, and HHJ all around:grin::grin:
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Aw, I'm glad you're choosing to be positive about your hair!!!

What I love about my hair is that it's 100% natural and I can wear it curly and big or sleek and smooth. It's healthy and thriving. Lovin it right now :)
I love that I am finally understanding what my hair needs in order to achieve healthy ends. My hair is loving me right now and I'm loving my Hair!
I am really loving my thickness, color richness, shine, and curl pattern. I LURVES my 4a curls :yep:. They make me so happy :grin:. My hair is incredibly healthy, and I'm really learning what it needs to stay that way.
I'm happy that my hair is 100% natural. I love my curly hair! I love the versatality of natural hair curly today straight tomorrow. I love the thickness I have now as a natural. I am happy for all the information I have gained on this website. Thanks all! I am happy that I can wash my hair everyday if I want. lol . I'm happy that it is growing!

Way to go focusing no the good!
I love the thickness, health and over-all appearance of my hair. I love that even when I'm being absolutely lazy it's easy to pin up, bun up or put up.

Great thread OP!
I love my hair. It seems to be so easy going. It's not going to pitch a huge fit and get all tangled up. It curls easily and it straightens easily. I think it is happy it is on my head. :)
I love that my hair is longer than it's ever been. I love how soft and cottony it feels after a good condition!
I am thankful my hair is FINALLY and TRULY healthy w/o the aid of beauticians. You ladies and gents have been a wonderful help to me. Im glad I have a better understanding of my hair and how to nourish it. :)
Great idea, OP. I love, love, LOVE my hair because it's 100% natural and it's all mine!!

I love to see threads that encourage positive comments about our hair instead of all the negativity. :yep:
I love how well my transition is going. All that thick new growth that is behaving surprisingly well with minimal effort.
I have no splits, no breakage and I am in love with my natural highlights :love:

Great thread OP!
I love my hair because:

- I can rely on my .5 inch per month. Come rain or shine, it's growing!

- It's healthy. No damage. No split ends. No funky looking patches or areas.

- It's shiny

- It's natural

- I can wear it down or up, and it'll still be okay looking.

- In the course of any given day, I'm not forced to spend more than 10-15 minutes on it. Most days, I'll give it about 5 minutes and it's going to be alright.
I love the thickness and versatility of it! I love that my big hair makes me feel like Im the sexiest, most beautifuliest (lol), woman anywhere. I love that my straight hair makes me feel sophisticated. I love that I dont have to use heat to style my hair! I love that my DH to be compliments my hair often.
I love the lenght of my hair, and how shiny and soft it is. I love how it is easy to comb,and easy to work with. I love the color it is too!
I just love that I have some hair on my head. I love that my edges have grown in and are continuing to thicken up. I love that it's moisturized and finally responds well to what I put it in. I love that most of the dye is gone and is almost 100% the way God made it.
I love that I have found the perfect products for my hair! Now my broken areas are growing in stronger, my ng is softer and my hair is retaining length!!!