PDAs and Your Relationship with the Lord


New Member
PDA=public display of affection

Do you and the Lord have public displays of affection?

This question comes from what happened in today's church service. The pastor's wife sung the song "Hero" to her husband in honor of his birthday. A beautiful public display of affection. Part of me was like "Hmmm, that could/should have been done in private" but then part of me was like, "Ok, there's no doubt or shame about how she (the pastor's wife) feels about her husband and she's excited to express it....

...and I should feel the same way in my relationship with the Lord.... An intercessor at my church that I have learned from would kind of get on me about being more "openly expressive", if you will, in prayer and in showing love to the Lord, as it has to do with love, passion. I would say to her "I'm private. I'm shy" and she would say "don't even try it! I've seen you excited about something and you're not shy or private about it!" It's like she was saying don't hold back on loving upon the Lord...let it all out!!!! LOL!

It's like flip it to the natural: when (yes Lord, You are the Promise Keeper re. marriage and me!) I get married I would hope that both my husband and I will be unashamed in our genuine love and affection for one another in that we will gladly express ourselves that way to each other.

I'm not saying we'll be making out "unseemingly", but it's just a natural flow of our relationship.... Amen....

Do you do this? Is this something you grew into? Do I have to have a natural love experience before I can have a true, deep spiritual love experience?
PDA=public display of affection

Do you and the Lord have public displays of affection?

This question comes from what happened in today's church service. The pastor's wife sung the song "Hero" to her husband in honor of his birthday. A beautiful public display of affection. Part of me was like "Hmmm, that could/should have been done in private" but then part of me was like, "Ok, there's no doubt or shame about how she (the pastor's wife) feels about her husband and she's excited to express it....

...and I should feel the same way in my relationship with the Lord.... An intercessor at my church that I have learned from would kind of get on me about being more "openly expressive", if you will, in prayer and in showing love to the Lord, as it has to do with love, passion. I would say to her "I'm private. I'm shy" and she would say "don't even try it! I've seen you excited about something and you're not shy or private about it!" It's like she was saying don't hold back on loving upon the Lord...let it all out!!!! LOL!

It's like flip it to the natural: when (yes Lord, You are the Promise Keeper re. marriage and me!) I get married I would hope that both my husband and I will be unashamed in our genuine love and affection for one another in that we will gladly express ourselves that way to each other.

I'm not saying we'll be making out "unseemingly", but it's just a natural flow of our relationship.... Amen....

Do you do this? Is this something you grew into? Do I have to have a natural love experience before I can have a true, deep spiritual love experience?

I would definitely say that it's something that evolves. I can remember when I felt paranoid just saying, "Hallelujah!" But I also believe that until you get there, you should show your love for Him the way that is most comfortable for you. But you know the flesh LOVES comfort. :lachen:

I'm at the point where (and I was just thinking about this today) where I'm so absorbed in praising and worshipping that before I know it tears are sreaming from my eyes. And it's not a reguar kind of cry..if that makes sense.:look: It's almost like my mind, my body, and my spirit are completely in tune to job the at hand (praising Him). And this experience is new for me...another level if you will. And my PDA takes place at home around DH and the kids (although I try to seclude myself) or at church.

So with all that said the only way that we can truly grow in Him is to stretch ourselves. As my pastor's wife says "A rubber band doesn't work unless it gets stretched." So stretch yourself a lil' bit, Chica. :yep:
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I'm not exactly sure what you're asking here, but I think it's sweet when people show love for each other. Kisses, hugs, looks-it warms my heart. I can do without seeing folks tongue each other down or groping. but when you're with someone you really care about/love, it's hard to be without their touch sometimes. Sometimes you have to have your hands on them, smell them, feel their closeness. Like a mother and her child. The child has a longing to have the mother pick them up, hold them, kiss them, cuddle them-and when they do, everything is right with the world.

As far as a religious standpoint, we're all comfortable praising the Lord in different ways. Some are loud because that's how they feel, others are trying to show out. And then others (like me) are more introspective and trying to fully grasp each meaning as it comes along. The Spirit strikes us in different ways.
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I know what you mean, "RR". I see it as an individual case. Not all of us, praise God the same, yet it doesn't mean we love Him any less. I know a lot of wide open displays which were just that...empty displays, void of pure meaning and sincerity in worship.

I'm one to sit quietly before the Lord, because I don't want to 'miss' anything. Be it in Church, a tape or video message, I just want to be still and listen. Inside I'm still loving God for all that He is and more. :yep:

And there are many, many times when my public praise while in quiet adoration, there are tears of joy and just loving God through worship and praise. I have no shame in my tears, publicly.

It's the 'heart' that counts more than anything. RR, you show your love for God each time you post and share your heart. I see your public display of affection (Adoration for Jesus) in this very thread you started. For if you did not love Him so much, this would not be a concern with you. You have publicly displayed that you want to give God more than enough of all of you and more...
