Paying Lurker with Kinky Twists (and pic) and questions!!!


New Member
Kinky Twists Questions!!!!

So with being a full-time student and working two jobs, i've mainly been a lurker with a subscription, but recently I went and had my hair put in kinky twists as a protective style for the winter:


I've had them for about 2 weeks now and I love them, but that slightly confused expression I have in my pic :spinning: is due to the many, MANY questions I have about them that I didn't see mentioned on any of the searches I have done.

1) I got my twists put in my (currently transitioning from texlaxed to natural, 3C/4a-ish) hair the Saturday before last and ALREADY, I can pinch at least 1/4 of an inch of my own hair between my scalp and where the braided portion of the twist begins! (moreso in the back than on the top.) (I even took out and re-twisted one 5 days ago in the very back row on my nape to where they originally were- on my scalp, and even that has a small section of my own hair not in the twist!) Now I know for a fact that my hair does not grow that fast!!! :lachen: I think aside from some miracle drug, it's genetically impossible! So could it be that the braids have slipped? I've constantly checked and my hair that was incorporated into the braids/twists is still secure. I was just wondering if anyone else has ever had that problem

2) Knowing my hair, I plan on only keeping the twists in for about 6 weeks (so about 4 more weeks after this week) Currently I spray my twists/scalp with a Neutrigena Triple Moisture Leave-In conditioner mixture with water and seal with my Peppermint Oil/Tea Tree Oil and water mixture every morning and I spray with a Cantu Shea Butter/ Infusium 23/ water mixture every night. Last Saturday I clarified my scalp with the Pantene Pro-V Clarifying Shampoo and Conditioned my twists only (avoided the scalp) with Suave Humecetant Conditioner. I plan on doing this daily/ weekly (for the shampoo/ condition). Does that sound like a decent reggie? Should I add anything/ delete anything?

Depending on how my hair looks when I take the twists out near the end of the month, I will either get more put back in (if my hair seems to be better for having the twists) or figure out another protective style for the winter (I just saw the thread on bunning with doughnuts!!!!)

Any help would be very much appreciated!!!

Thanks Ladies!
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Re: Kinky Twists Questions!!!!!

Bumping!!!! :bump:

I know I am not the only one in LHCF history to have Kinky Twist issues!!! :lachen:
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It sounds like the twist are slipping, thats what mines did around the second week, im not sure if it's the weight of the twist or what but I had to retwist them around the nape area, and the crown and of course my edges. Your regi sounds pretty good. Im not sure about daily shampooing or conditioning, someone else may chime in on that. I only washed my hair once a week with w/ diluted garlic poo and applied Dove foam conditioner to the length of the braids overnight, rinsed the next day. I clarified about once every 3 weeks again diluted with water over my scalp only. I moisturized my hair every night with braid spray,glycerin,rose water, and some aphogee pro vitamin that I was trying to use up, sealed with Keo Karpin oil(love the smell and trying to use up as well). And I applied my MT every night. I kept my twist for about 6wks w/touch ups. Hope this helps
Oh! I don't wash daily. I just spray daily and wash weekly.

Thanks! :yep:

Also, I just bought a bottle of Rose water but haven't been sure if I should use it on my twists (or store it for later use). Does it have more moisturizing effects than regular water?
I have know clue about kinky twists. I know the search function is not working right now but if you try a google search you may be able to find the answers to your questions. Type in kinky twists and you should get some threads.
Your regimen sounds good. I am kind of in a similar's a lot harder to moisturize, seal, and co-wash while in kinky twists, but I've been making modifications.

I just got kinky twists last wednesday. So I've had them for about a week and two days. A few of my twists started slipping in the I had to take a couple of them out. However, I do think that my hair is growing because even in the middle I can feel some length! I am attributing that to my use of MT/OCT/olive oil mix that I'm applying most days of the week. I am planning on keeping them until December 5th. I plan to relax around that time and then decide if I'll keep the twists or try some other sort of protective styling.