Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum and Gloss Drops


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever used these products? If so what is the verdict? Quality product or bust? How do you use them and what type of hair do you have - relaxer, texturized or natural?

I am going for a press and curl on Friday and the stylist highly recommended these products as she plans to use them on my hair. She used them on herself and she is 100% natural with a press and curl and honestly I could not tell she had a p-n-c. Her hair looked shiny, glossy and very purty.

Thanks in advance for your recommendation!
Both of these products work very well for me. I have been using gloss drops for 3 years and I have been using the SSS for 2 years. The SSS is perfect for slip and smoothing the cuticle. It doesn't provide shine but that's where the gloss drops come in. The gloss drops give unbelievable shine!!
Hrm. I didn't like the Gloss Drops. Every time I used it, I felt like I was putting something in my hair that should be there! It's so sticky. Now I only use NTM Serum.