Pastor Wife Material


Well-Known Member
Could you be a Pastor's wife?

Personally, I feel as though it is such a tall order! And I have my own ministry, but a lot of pastor wives I know seem to not really be into their own ministry but are helpers in their husband ministry.
With a LOT of grace and guidance from God- yes. I do know a couple of wives who have their own ministries and I would likely be one of those.
Was once before and will be again one day. The spirit told me many years ago that I would be. The first time wasn't the right time but I am believing in God that I listen to Him first the next time.

I too have my own ministry and yes being a Pastor's wife is not for the weak at heart. There are times when you have to put your needs to the back ground for church members and other responsiblities that your husband has, however, the right man will know how to make you feel like a queen even when you are not first in the life!
Interesting question. I've often thought that I didn't want to be one, until the Spirit convicted me of that. I'll do whatever He wants me to do, and gladly.
I have all the right ingredients: play the piano, sing, teacher, people person...but naw.

I am not convicted against things like wearing jewelry and movies and that'd probably make the average congregation uncomfortable. (SDA)

Sent from my phone-typos to be expected :)
Great topic OP! This has been on my mind since I attended my friends' Pastoral Installation a couple weeks ago. I grew up with both him and his wife, they were childhood sweethearts. The amazing thing to me is that he wasn't even a minister when they married. They were both devoted Christians when they married but he became a minister about 5-7 years into their marriage (can't remember the exact timeline) and now he's a pastor of a pretty established church. So the lesson to be learned ladies is that not every Pastor's Wife married a Pastor. Some of them just married the love of their life and ended up getting a Pastor along the way. So that's why I agree 100% with nicola.kirwan's post. You may not desire to be a pastor's wife but some callings you just can't run from. What God has for me is for me and I'll gladly except whatever it is! :yep:
Great topic OP! This has been on my mind since I attended my friends' Pastoral Installation a couple weeks ago. I grew up with both him and his wife, they were childhood sweethearts. The amazing thing to me is that he wasn't even a minister when they married. They were both devoted Christians when they married but he became a minister about 5-7 years into their marriage (can't remember the exact timeline) and now he's a pastor of a pretty established church. So the lesson to be learned ladies is that not every Pastor's Wife married a Pastor. Some of them just married the love of their life and ended up getting a Pastor along the way. So that's why I agree 100% with @nicola.kirwan's post. You may not desire to be a pastor's wife but some callings you just can't run from. What God has for me is for me and I'll gladly except whatever it is! :yep:

So very true
I pray to be able to say yes to being a pastor's wife, but honestly for me right now it will be a hard pill to swallow. LongTimeComing with a LOT of grace indeed!

This topic has been on mind because a guy who is interested in me, told me that he feels called to be a pastor, he is currently praying about it. Clearly we aren't together and very well may never be but I still questioned myself of whether I could be in such a position...
Some wives may disagree - but there really isn't much difference in being a Pastor's Wife and a Wife... With the exception of being under the spotlight. A husband should not place unreasonable pressures on his wife concerning affairs of the church. She is his bride - not the bride of the church. Too many families have suffered because the church was put before the needs of the family and that should not be.
Some wives may disagree - but there really isn't much difference in being a Pastor's Wife and a Wife... With the exception of being under the spotlight. A husband should not place unreasonable pressures on his wife concerning affairs of the church.

She is his bride - not the bride of the church.

Too many families have suffered because the church was put before the needs of the family and that should not be.


God has used you to say this... Indeed! :yep: Total Truth!

God has used you to say this... Indeed! :yep: Total Truth!

Hey Shimmie with your sweet self!

Glory to God- that's the first bit of counsel I give to women married to or considering marriage to a pastor. That's why it's so important that she is fully aware of his expectations ... :yep:
I have been thinking about this recently. Aspiring pastors tend to be interested in Dad's a pastor maybe that's why they think I would make a good pastor's wife. Idk.

Is it bad that I want no parts?

A minister, fine. We can do Outreach together or something. But I want to be able to hideaway with my husband sometimes. ..and not share him 24/7.
I feel selfish and a little guilty for not being open to it. I know I could perform the duty, but I feel I would be unhappy.
Tis why priests take a vow of celibacy. You can't be an effective part-time pastor unless there are several others sharing the load. I've seen too many families break apart or face adultery, drug and alcohol abuse and kids turning their backs on G-d.
Some wives may disagree - but there really isn't much difference in being a Pastor's Wife and a Wife... With the exception of being under the spotlight. A husband should not place unreasonable pressures on his wife concerning affairs of the church. She is his bride - not the bride of the church. Too many families have suffered because the church was put before the needs of the family and that should not be.

This is one respect I admire Catholicism. It's not that I don't believe that married people can serve the church, it is just that they serve two masters. I can call a priest at 3 am and not feel so bad versus a pastor with a wife and newborn baby.