Pastor Sara Conner - God's Love & Acceptance


Well-Known Member

Good morning ladies!

I just wanted to share this video of Pastor Sara Conner on God's love and acceptance. I just discovered her, last night she spoke at our weekly women's ministry meeting at Lakewood (Better Together). She spoke to my whole being.

I have been struggling with acceptance, mainly at work. I had convinced myself that I was just an introvert - secluded and out-of-sight. I've noticed that some people find that...offensive and standoffish. I could hear the whisperings....whisperings....and feel the chill.... the chill....This is the story that I tell myself. On top of this I would just get put off by some of the foul things that people did. I felt I was a nice person - offering my help, building personal relationships by giving "things", and staying out of the gossip pool. That's nice right?! I reached a tipping point (and still have to be tipped some days) and realized that I was offending God. He loves me sooo much and here I am fishing for other folks acceptance and approval. Father forgive me!! But He had to make me authentic. Sure I was "nice" - masked and all things contingent on reciprocation or appreciation. God had to make me real and kind. Kind is who you are, nice is what you do. I was doing nice. The pressure was REAL!!

Last night Pastor Conner proclaimed, "I am not moved by what I see. I am only moved by what I believe." Light bulb moment!!! I was SEEING how people responded to me and getting caught up in my feeling, licking my wounds. I needed to believe what God says about me and how He feels toward me. Now, I ain't gon front, I have to remind myself everyday when I hear something (not meant for me) and turn it into a full-length drama. I belong to Him who loves and adores me!

I pray that this helps someone!