Pastor Jennifer Biard is AMAZING!


Back2Life Back2ReLaxer!
1) I didn't know she was white when I got the flier for her speaking/preaching at a conference I went to I thought she was "light" skinned. Not that that matters, but I never heard a white woman preach this way.

2)She touched me down to my very core. Its been awhile since sermon moved me like that.

3) My hubby is from MS so I will definitely attend her church when we go back.

Seriously this woman is amazing I'm going to have to buy her recordings. Her and Pastor Sara move my every being.
1) I didn't know she was white when I got the flier for her speaking/preaching at a conference I went to I thought she was "light" skinned. Not that that matters, but I never heard a white woman preach this way.

2)She touched me down to my very core. Its been awhile since sermon moved me like that.

3) My hubby is from MS so I will definitely attend her church when we go back.

Seriously this woman is amazing I'm going to have to buy her recordings. Her and Pastor Sara move my every being.

TwistedRoots, thank you for sharing this with us. I'll check this out as well. :yep:

God bless you and :welcome3:
I haven't checked out her YouTube videos... What did you ladies think? I got a chance to hear her preach at a woman's prayer breakfast I attended last weekend. stephluv also thank you Shimmie