Passover: Are/Will You Observe it?


New Member
Hey ladies, I've held off on asking certain questions in this forum since I became a member but because my question is in reference to the bible I felt it is only right to post my question in this forum.

I would like to know if any ladies will observe Passover and how are you going to do it and what are your thoughts on the Holy Day itself. I am asking because I am gearing up to observe it for the first time and I am interested in learning other people thoughts on it.
Never done it before but not against. I didn't grow up with it so, I couldn't really help you.

I do know however some chick (cuse me woman) in the supermarket stopped to talk about that mess when I was really rushing and trying to get in and about why don't you celebrate it if you want eternal life? Like you have to do it! UGH. But I'll be lurking to see if there's more insight lol
I am!!!:yep:

I'm actually in the process of planning my meal and taking down the "good china" this week. We celebrate Passover and Ressurection Day like most people celebrate Christmas. We didn't grow up doing it, but this is our 3rd year celebrating Passover.

We have our seder meal the first night of Passover, fast for 3 days and have another large meal on Ressurection Day. This the first year we're inviting friends over so we'll have the Ressurection Day feast on Sunday the 4th.

PM me if you want to go into more detail. Take care and be blessed!
I also plan on celebrating it.. to me its a very important day, The period in which Jesus died for my sins and death passed over me...

I will forever be grateful for this and plan to celebrate / give thanks for it.