Passover and Unleavened Bread


Well-Known Member
At sundown tonight the first Biblical feast of the year begins with Passover, followed by Unleavened Bread. Is anyone here observing? Please share how you and your family celebrate during this time.
Not Christian, but glad to answer

Tonight I will be attending a Seder with my friend and his family.

Tomorrow I will be attending a Seder at the Synogogue where I take classes.

No bread for me for a week and even though I'm nowhere near being Orthodox, I'm going to attempt to be Kosher.
A time of reflection...deep prayer...contemplation...
I will probably attend Messianic services/Jews for Jesus congregation
and a seder.
Yay! I'm glad to see I'm not alone in observing on this board. I went to a Seder this evening :lick:. Nothing w/ leaven for the week for me as well. I love this time of year because everyday there is a physical reminder of being free of sin.