Passing Bus Driver Saves Life of Woman on Bridge


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
By Jay Busbee

The most wrenching stories always begin the same way: it was just a normal day.

Oct. 18 was just a normal day when Darnell Barton, a school bus driver in Buffalo, N.Y., was carrying a full load of high school students and approaching the Scajaquada Expressway overpass. There, he saw a woman on the opposite side of the rail, standing where no person ought to be, leaning out over the traffic below.

Barton stopped the bus and, according to the Buffalo News, tried to assess the truth of what his eyes were telling him.

“I didn’t think it was real with everything else going on around her," he said. "Traffic was proceeding as normal and a couple of pedestrians walked right by her and a bicyclist rode by. I mean, they were inches from her.”

Barton stepped out and began talking to the woman, who looked at him and didn't respond. Inside the bus, students were weeping. So Barton edged toward her and finally got close enough to reach out.

“She turned back to look at me and then back at the traffic and that’s when I kind of lunged and got my left arm around her body,” Barton said. “I asked her, ‘Do you want to come on this side of the guard rail now?’ and that was the first time she spoke to me and said, ‘Yeah.’ ”

They both sat down together on the sidewalk. The woman looked at Barton, who'd splashed on a little extra cologne that morning, and said, "You smell good." He sagged with relief, knowing that she had come back to reality.

Within a few minutes, emergency service personnel had arrived on the scene. Another bus came to take away the students. Barton received a standing ovation from his students and praise from the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority. And then he went right back to work to finish his route.

Here's the link to the video >>

1 Corinthians 12:28
And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues.
God's Grace abounds. God bless this man for his love and compassion. God bless this dear heart, the woman who is in need of so much love and care.

Father please minister healing to her hurting heart. Set her free from whatever lead her to that moment in that day of her life. Let your healing presence and power always be with her. And always be there with and for Darrel...her 'Angel' of Life.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Thank you, Laela for sharing this. My eyes are filled with tears for such a loving story.

Praise God... forever and ever for the 'Angels' that He gives unto us each day.

Amein. :love3: and Amein....
Somehow I just knew this would've been a black man. I can't believe everyone else was just passing this woman like they didn't care:nono:. I'd imagine someone would have at the very least called the cops to help her :sad:.

No wonder the devil is trying to make our (black people's) hearts wax cold with this uprise in racism. I pray we will continue to have the spirit of love despite the way we are perceived and treated.
Somehow I just knew this would've been a black man. I can't believe everyone else was just passing this woman like they didn't care:nono:. I'd imagine someone would have at the very least called the cops to help her :sad:.

No wonder the devil is trying to make our (black people's) hearts wax cold with this uprise in racism. I pray we will continue to have the spirit of love despite the way we are perceived and treated.

The 'Bolded' speaks volumes... Sosa, this is an eye-opener. Our reaction within our racism. Do we allow satan to 'wax' us, hot or cold? My heart has been convicted due to personal circumstances.
Sosa... this is so true... glad you see that. :yep:
Amein, felic...right on time!
I'd like to hear how she is doing as well, Shimmie. It's one of those stories that quietly sticks with you. God bless that man for being so intuned.
Sosa... this is so true... glad you see that. :yep:
Amein, felic...right on time!
I'd like to hear how she is doing as well, Shimmie. It's one of those stories that quietly sticks with you. God bless that man for being so intuned.

Laela, you know what? It is my hope that because of the 'heart' of a stranger to save her life, that is what she needed to want to live again and to fight for her life. To believe in 'Life' and Love again. Most of all, believe in God.
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Bolded.. yes.. yes... When I read what she finally told the guy...that he smells good.... Can you imagine something as simple as how someone smells having such a profound effect on a person's life? Literally. The things we can take for granted....

Laela, you know what? It is my hope that because of the 'heart' of a stranger to save her life, that is what she needed to want to live again and to fight for her life. To believe in 'Life' and Love again. Most of all, believe in God.
Bolded.. yes.. yes... When I read what she finally told the guy...that he smells good.... Can you imagine something as simple as how someone smells having such a profound effect on a person's life? Literally. The things we can take for granted....

Three Words of Life.. "You Smell Good"...

Bless her heart. Whoever / whatever hurt her didn't stop her from sensing a 'sweet fragrance' of life.