partial Transitioning


Well-Known Member
I relaxed the part of my hair that is out of my weave so I wouldn't have to apply heat to it. When I take out my weave, I do not want to relax the rest of my hair. Do you guys have any tips for transitioning just a small portion of your hair?
:ohwell:um.... i'm tryin to picture it here.... kinda odd scenario...

i'm guessin only the bottom half of your hair is relaxed right? if so, you should be able to follow the normal transitioning rules, and do some careful detangling.
:ohwell:um.... i'm tryin to picture it here.... kinda odd scenario...

i'm guessin only the bottom half of your hair is relaxed right? if so, you should be able to follow the normal transitioning rules, and do some careful detangling.

only the front part is relaxed that is left out in my weave.....80% of my hair isn't relaxed its completely natural
This question has been asked before (about only relaxing part of your hair) and pple always think its a crazy idea. speaking as someone who has two totally different textures (one manageable, the other - not so much) i think sometimes it does make sense. And i agree with Me-T - be gentle at the line of demarcation and keep that moisture/protein balance depending on what each section of hair needs (harder when ur only 'partially transitioning') and you should be fine.