Partial Corrective? (Silly ? but I need help)


Well-Known Member
Question... Do you or have you done a partial corrective relaxer? The reason why I asked is because I relaxed recently but the lower half of my head is underprocessed. I was going to wait atleast 4 more weeks before I relaxed again but I'm afraid that my hair is going to start breaking. Should I relax the underprocessed hair or just wait? Please help.

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Don't give up, it's late, bump it up again in the morning. I'm sure somebody will be able to help. Good luck.
bumpin for you Platinum- Maybe Gymfreak would come to the rescue.

I'm not sure how long you should wait, however I do know that when you do a corrective, only let it process for like 5-8 minutes.
My last relaxer in May left me underprocessed in the back. I waited two weeks and then used ORS Lye to do the corrective. I based my whole head, then applied relaxer to the underprocessed sections in the back, processed for about 10 minutes, and then rinsed/neutralized/conditioned/styled. It was my first corrective so I was a little nervous, but my hair came out great.

In the meantime before you do the corrective, if you decide to, be gentle with your hair to prevent breakage.
My last relaxer in May left me underprocessed in the back. I waited two weeks and then used ORS Lye to do the corrective. I based my whole head, then applied relaxer to the underprocessed sections in the back, processed for about 10 minutes, and then rinsed/neutralized/conditioned/styled. It was my first corrective so I was a little nervous, but my hair came out great.

In the meantime before you do the corrective, if you decide to, be gentle with your hair to prevent breakage.

Thank you. I'll wait another week before I do the corrective.
This came from my June 2008 folder. I did the partial corrective about 3 days later. That was over 5 weeks ago and except for a tiny bit of breakage around the hairline me and my hair are doing just fine.

I used Silk Elements Mild to which I added:
* 1/4 cup of oil (sunflower seed oil)
* 1 tsp of SAA
* 1/2 tsp of Keratin

I started by coating my previously relaxed hair with grease then parting into inch wide sections from ear to ear. I applied the relaxer with a tooth brush because I couldn't find my applicator brush. I won't be doing that again. My strand test said that 7 minutes was too little time. I decided to leave it on for an additional 3 minutes for a total of 10 minutes.

I applied it in two sections. I apply it to the back half for 5 minutes, when the timer goes off I reset it for 5 minutes and apply to the front half. When the timer goes off again I cover the front with a plastic cap and rinse the back for 5 minutes. When the time goes off again I rinse the front. Both sections have had 5 minutes of application and 5 minutes of waiting.

After rinsing the back I checked the mirror it was very straight. I totally freaked out and rinsed all of it! The front had 10 minutes the back only had 8. I also skipped the conditioner step and went straight to neutralizing. I wanted to stop it from processing immediately so I poured water spiked with white vinegar over it.

If you get it too straight there's nothing you can do to fix it. You just wait to until ti reaches the ends and cut it off. If you don't straighten it enough you have lots of options.

Anyway I freaked out for no reason. When it dried it was just fine but the front it a bit more "textured" than the back. It's not a crazy difference but not as consistent as I usually get them.

The parts I touched up are visibly shinier than the rest of my hair.

I did a corrective on the front. Silk Element reverts about 30%. I'm think I'm switching back to regular instead of mild. After my corrective I rinse and conditioned with Fiberguard then neutralized.
This came from my June 2008 folder. I did the partial corrective about 3 days later. That was over 5 weeks ago and except for a tiny bit of breakage around the hairline me and my hair are doing just fine.

I used Silk Elements Mild to which I added:
* 1/4 cup of oil (sunflower seed oil)
* 1 tsp of SAA
* 1/2 tsp of Keratin

I started by coating my previously relaxed hair with grease then parting into inch wide sections from ear to ear. I applied the relaxer with a tooth brush because I couldn't find my applicator brush. I won't be doing that again. My strand test said that 7 minutes was too little time. I decided to leave it on for an additional 3 minutes for a total of 10 minutes.

I applied it in two sections. I apply it to the back half for 5 minutes, when the timer goes off I reset it for 5 minutes and apply to the front half. When the timer goes off again I cover the front with a plastic cap and rinse the back for 5 minutes. When the time goes off again I rinse the front. Both sections have had 5 minutes of application and 5 minutes of waiting.

After rinsing the back I checked the mirror it was very straight. I totally freaked out and rinsed all of it! The front had 10 minutes the back only had 8. I also skipped the conditioner step and went straight to neutralizing. I wanted to stop it from processing immediately so I poured water spiked with white vinegar over it.

If you get it too straight there's nothing you can do to fix it. You just wait to until ti reaches the ends and cut it off. If you don't straighten it enough you have lots of options.

Anyway I freaked out for no reason. When it dried it was just fine but the front it a bit more "textured" than the back. It's not a crazy difference but not as consistent as I usually get them.

The parts I touched up are visibly shinier than the rest of my hair.

I did a corrective on the front. Silk Element reverts about 30%. I'm think I'm switching back to regular instead of mild. After my corrective I rinse and conditioned with Fiberguard then neutralized.
Happy this worked out for you. Why did you only wait 3 days? Were you afraid of brekage?
When I woke up on the morning of day 3, it had reverted to the point where it looked like I hadn't relaxed it at all. :wallbash: I was like :huh: :naughty:

That's what the lower half of my head looks like.:wallbash: Thanks for the info. I used ORS super but I'll add some EVOO to it when I do the corrective.:spinning:
Correctives... A topic I am very familar with :lachen:
I spent all of last year being underprocessed off and on. The thing with being underprocessed is that there is a fine line with when to fix it. I have tried the wait 48 hours and correct:look:, I have tried the wait 6 weeks and correct, and all of the time frames inbetween and the one that worked the best (atleast for me) was 3 weeks, especially if you don't need to correct the whole head.

The ladies already hit on all of the main points. Sareca and Determined1 gave you the info you need. The only thing I want to add is determine why you got underprocessed because you don't want to have to do this again. Did you not use enough relaxer cream, did you not smooth it well, run out of time....what ever the reason was, figure that out and make sure you don'tun into the same problem. Good luck!