Pardon Me, I Know This Isn't the Meeting Forum But I Gotta Gather My NC People


Well-Known Member
I apologize ladies but this is my last attempt to gather my Charlotte and surrounding area people together. I was told by Shellfoshizzle to try this method because there are alot of Charlotte people on here but apparently they must not know we have been trying to plan a Charlotte meeting since January. I also have info in my siggy. So here it goes...

Okay ladies, we will try this one more time (or one mo' gen as the children say ). I have two ladies who are interested in the Charlotte meeting. Are there or will there be any others. Being that there was not a big response, we are shooting May.

Date : Saturday May 6, 2006

City: Charlotte NC

Place: Copeland's
There is a map located on this site along with any other information.

Time: 1:30 PM (If there is a problem with the time we can discuss it)
Menu Info:

Please feel free to bring friends and/or family who are interested in hair care (hey you can even bring those people who you know need to do something to there hair but you hadn't the guts to tell. It's a perfect way to help them out! :lol: ). Also, please feel free to bring any items that you would like to trade, sell, or give away. If you have any questions please let me know. I would glad to answer any. Okay ladies, let' make things happen!
Hey! I live in charlotte and i will try my best to attend! This is a week after my wedding, so i'm unsure of how crazy my schedule will be...