Parasitic Family and/or Friends b.k.a The Entourage


Well-Known Member
I was flipping channels late night and I saw some of Fantasia's reality debacle. Now she's having money trouble's since her last CD didn't do too well, and she's been away for a while. Adding to her spending is her older brother who doesn't have a day job, but he's recording in the pool house studio, her mother, other family and she's steadily supporting around a dozen people all the time whether or not she's earning money and she's steady handing out cash, and supporting everybody. Though they keep living off her, living in her house, driving cars she's bought, they show no signs of helping themselves by working and she's not kicking anyone out yet...
I noticed that this seems to happen quite often.
People will latch onto the one who makes it if not in sports or entertainment but other fields as well but more obvious in ent biz, as if they're sibling, fam member owes them cause they made it. This person eventually gets burdened and sometimes financially crippled by it. WHat are your thoughts, opinions?
yes family can be leeches to say the least. Lots of professional athelets have this problem too. But I notice with some of my friends the ones that became the most successful in their families their people are always treating them like a ATM machine.

I see it with my Foster Daughter who came from a very tough situation who is well on her way to becoming something and already her family is expecting her to uplift them. When they have done nothing for this child but cause her much misery in her life
I believe at first the successful family member enjoys being the provider and supporting their families dreams, but as always they become disenchanted when they are in a situation and need support and have no where to turn and can't depend on their family the way they depend on them.

After living a certain way your whole life and you finally make it it's easier to just take everyone with you and enjoy the ride because no one wants to be at the top alone.
I hate to see leeches i really do. Her family members need to get a job. Its crazy but where will they go if she falls flat on her face with the whole music situation
:nono: Sad to see her family treating her like that. It's even sadder to see that she doesn't have the emotional strength to tell them not to treat her like the National Bank of Fantasia. Man, she doesn't even have money like that. Wait till she loses that house to back taxes, and her family will be like Fantasia who?
I believe at first the successful family member enjoys being the provider and supporting their families dreams, but as always they become disenchanted when they are in a situation and need support and have no where to turn and can't depend on their family the way they depend on them.

After living a certain way your whole life and you finally make it it's easier to just take everyone with you and enjoy the ride because no one wants to be at the top alone.

I kind of disagree, I think that the successful fam member wants to treat and give their fam some expensive gifts, maybe take them on a vacation here and there but not support them forever or until they go bankrupt. I thinkthis is where folks get it twisted cause then fam thinks you're supposed to be financing al their dreams and supporting them at the same time. WHen they should be doing their thing as if you never het the lotto-so to speak.
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DH was the only one in his immediate family to finish college. He had a couple of older siblings that were fully capable of supporting themselves yet they were expecting for him to support them. One sister actually thought that she would move in with us right after we got married :nono: so that she didn't have to pay any bills. Do you think that I'd be out working everyday while she sits in the house all day watching TV??

We helped a lot at the beginning but the more we gave, the more they expected until we started cutting them off. It was the best thing and has forced them to make better decisions and be responsible for themselves.
I was flipping channels late night and I saw some of Fantasia's reality debacle. Now she's having money trouble's since her last CD didn't do too well, and she's been away for a while. Adding to her spending is her older brother who doesn't have a day job, but he's recording in the pool house studio, her mother, other family and she's steadily supporting around a dozen people all the time whether or not she's earning money and she's steady handing out cash, and supporting everybody. Though they keep living off her, living in her house, driving cars she's bought, they show no signs of helping themselves by working and she's not kicking anyone out yet...
I noticed that this seems to happen quite often.
People will latch onto the one who makes it if not in sports or entertainment but other fields as well but more obvious in ent biz, as if they're sibling, fam member owes them cause they made it. This person eventually gets burdened and sometimes financially crippled by it. WHat are your thoughts, opinions?

I can see it happening already in my life. I am middle class right now (which is a lot considering it is just me). However in October I will be starting another career that will quadruple my current salary over the next 2 years. My sister, who is lazy and refuses to be inconvenienced by a job nor does she sacrifice for her kids, is already making plans. The money I make is mine. Period. I have zero problem helping people in my family that help themselves but the tacky knegrows who have done nothing all their lives can go fly a kite, for real. I never felt that I could skate through life and have things handed to me, nor do I feel obligated to help people who feel like they can.
Wait wait and there is more. These are the SAME people that will never want to talk to you again and shout from the rooftops about how you WRONGED them because you ain't supporting them anymore. Okay I have a fried in Indiana that hit to lotto for a nice amount of money all her family was expecting a hand out. She brought her parents and sibliings a house. They wanted more money she said no. She said I will pay for your schooling so you can get the education to take care of yourself. They were like Hell naw why should be go back to school now. Why can't YOU continue helping us. She was like I bought you a house but now I am taking everything back since the houses are in my name. You owe me rent. They did n't pay she evicted them

Now they don't speak.

I would never turn down free education
Folks are trifllin
I would never turn down some free education
I have a friend that's dating an NBA player. They were high school sweethearts and all, no jump-off situation. She is in Med school and he isn't the one paying for it, I was actually kinda shock to hear her mention a school loan.

He buys her nice things, takes her places and occasionally gives her cash.

I remember her calling me about an argument they had over his lack of financial support and that concluded with him telling her he wanted her to be one of the people closest to him that didn't have their hands out. :ohwell:

After she broke it down to me I understood how your typical contract baller could be broke. She said there would be times when they go to like Chili's with his fam and friends and the bill would be about $900 and how he was the one paying everyone's bills etc and basically the financial livelihood for so many people.
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Wait wait and there is more. These are the SAME people that will never want to talk to you again and shout from the rooftops about how you WRONGED them because you ain't supporting them anymore. Okay I have a fried in Indiana that hit to lotto for a nice amount of money all her family was expecting a hand out. She brought her parents and sibliings a house. They wanted more money she said no. She said I will pay for your schooling so you can get the education to take care of yourself. They were like Hell naw why should be go back to school now. Why can't YOU continue helping us. She was like I bought you a house but now I am taking everything back since the houses are in my name. You owe me rent. They did n't pay she evicted them

Now they don't speak.

I would never turn down free education
Folks are trifllin
I would never turn down some free education

ITA, that whole situation is ridiculous they should not have tested her, why wouldn't they take the education and then be able to live better on their own, I mean what if she got sick or died, there would be no more handouts either. She did the right thing, it was ruthless but necessary.
At some point I think you need to cut people off. Worry about yourself and making sure your money lasts for you and your family (or future family). I heard about the Fantasia thing on the radio. It's sad how trifling some people are :nono:
Yeah you are so right because I am thinking if someone close to me came into that kind of money I would just want my college or something to be paid and I can handle the rest. Education is the best gift. Something that no one can take away from you

ITA, that whole situation is ridiculous they should not have tested her, why wouldn't they take the education and then be able to live better on their own, I mean what if she got sick or died, there would be no more handouts either. She did the right thing, it was ruthless but necessary.