Pantothenic Acid vits


New Member
For those who use these vits what dose is recommended? Puritan Pride has a sale buy 2 get 3 free.

Don't forget you get it from food too. I take a 1000 mg per day...when I remember to take my vits.
Hi kisz!!

I take 250mgs but I believe Tracy took/takes a higher dosage...I just began in late December and I dont have any results to report yet...I take GNC's brand.
I also want to mention that people who got breakouts from taking biotin increased their B5 intake to help clear their skin. For info on acne and B5 check out this page.
LABETT said:
I take 2000mg of Puritan's Pride Pantothenic Acid for 8 months now with good results.

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Labett - I've learned that pantothenic acid or vit B5 is known as the "hair vitamin" and I get it in my brewer's yeast and other foods I like to eat, like celery. But I know I'm not getting anywhere near the huge quantity like 1000 or 2000 mg per day!

What kind of good results specifically did you notice with your hair? And how long did you take pantothenic acid before you started noticing these results? Thank you!
I know I'm not Labett, but I thought I'd jump in here anyway

I started taking Twinlabs B5 (1000mg/day) about 7 months ago, but I didn't start noticing a real difference until about a month or two ago. This has included: thicker hair (each strand has gradually gotten thicker) and clearer skin (I rarely ever get pimples or very oily skin anymore). The hair results are nice, but I'm really loving the effects of this supplement on my skin
No prob. Let me also add that the two best brands (this is just from my research on the board) are:

1. NOW Pantothenic Acid (in powder or caplet form) - Jade21 recommends this
2. Twinlabs Pantothenic Acid (in capsule form) - I'm pretty sure Tracy and Tara take this one

HTH and please don't forget to post results.
My hair has gotten thicker and is skin is clearer I started seeing results after 3 1/2 months.
I switched from puritan pride to Solaray b5 and and received better results they are more expensive but I am happy with the I swictched hair seems to get thicker in one month.
Can someone tell if this vitamin really thickens up the hair shaft and if you really seen results can you post pictures.