
yep, this is fabulous info!

has anyone ever tried panthenol with perming?

either adding it to the perm, to the pre neutralizing midstep, or the post perm process?

i have some in my hair right now with my dc concoction!:lick:
Is anyone adding more than just a few drops? Really? Only a few drops for a whole bottle of conditioner or roller setting concoction? I too, don't want to use "too much" but want to use enough to make a difference. What amounts have you all found is best?
Rinse-off hair conditioner 1% to 5%
Leave-in hair conditioner 0.1% to 0.5%
Hair tonic / serum 0.3% to 1.0%
Facial & body lotions 0.2% to 1.0%
Anti-aging serum 0.4% to 2%
After-sun lotions 0.5% to 2.0%

I use this is my homemade DCs, sprays, and leave in
This is something worth looking into for my fine hair too so I may order it from lotioncrafter.com. I hope they also have the powder form.
bumping.....anyone still using this? I bought the powdered version and I am going to start adding it to my conditioner mix. Should I dissolve it in water first, or can I just add it as is?
Well, I used a teaspoon in 4 ounces of conditioner mixed with oil. I think that was enough, I could feel a difference in my hair. It was thicker, a little 'stiffer', after I dried it.
LaidBak So you didnt notice any moisturizing properties? I have a bag of the powder that I would like to use, but I'll pass if it's going to make my hair hard.
LaidBak So you didnt notice any moisturizing properties? I have a bag of the powder that I would like to use, but I'll pass if it's going to make my hair hard.

Oh no! I didnt mean stiff in a bad way. My hair was very soft. But compared to my normal DC results what I noticed was an increased feeling of thickness. I was just searching for the right adjective. Maybe 'increased body' is a better way to put it.
I been using the powder form for about 1 month now and I didn't use it yesterday in my spray/water mix and I could tell a difference.. I plan to go back using it along with my TerrEssentials Hair Wash and Qhemet AOHC..
I have been taking the capsule form for about 2 years now (I break the capsule open and swallow the powder with lots of water and a vitamin c tablet) and it does make my hair thicker. Its going on 2 months since I stopped, using it but I do feel it did benefit my hair. I never knew we could had them into conditioner.
I've been using my pathenol enhanced liquid leave in for a while now. I can definitely feel an increased strength in my hair. I lose much less hair when combing my wet hair. I'm hoping this really helps me thicken up my thinning hairline and retain some growth.
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I decided to actually take 2 pantothenic acid capsules (500mg each) instead of the topical panthenol. It is working wonders at thickening up my hair along with 5000mcg of biotin and 2000mg of msm daily. I open up the capsules and add them to my smoothies along wiht other vitamins - never even taste them. So easy this way.
I've heard about this being done in Brazil ... girls would add it to their conditioner and it;d moisturize your hair A LOT... I don't know where to buy it though ... I should check my local hair store it seems pretty safe.
I've added panthenol to 'poo, conditioner and leave-ins over the years but I found that for maximum results (really THICK looking hair when dry) I add to my leave-in and oils on wet hair before rollersetting/drying. The BEST results I get is adding a few drops to nexxus headdress and apply to wet hair, rollerset and dry -- serious bounce and volume for days!

Need this in my life for my roller sets!
For anyone who's interested lotioncrafters has DLpanthenol in the powder form. (Which I LOVEEEE) but I also have the one from makingcosmetics.com that has 100% D-panthenol in the liquid form which I prefer for my hair products! There are slight differences with each one! But panthenol is some amazing stuff...just dont overdo it bc it tends to be super sticky!!!
For anyone who's interested lotioncrafters has DLpanthenol in the powder form. (Which I LOVEEEE) but I also have the one from makingcosmetics.com that has 100% D-panthenol in the liquid form which I prefer for my hair products! There are slight differences with each one! But panthenol is some amazing stuff...just dont overdo it bc it tends to be super sticky!!!

rririla how much do you use of each? What are your approximate measurements?
rririla how much do you use of each? What are your approximate measurements?

If I am using the powdered panthenol, it comes with a tiny spoon and I only use a half of that . If im using the liquid panthenol then i use a medicine dropper and use like 2 drops! I mostly use the powder for my skin and the liquid in my hair
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Does this really work? I need something to make my hair thicker looking. My hair is growing longer and longer yet it seems to be thinning out to me.