Pantene Relaxed and Natural...

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azul11 said:
so then what was the point of this all.

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Who knows. Maybe it's just so they won't leave 'us' out. On top of that, I would assume you're right about the profit. People like money. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Like Allandra said people like $$$. They see that natural hair is in right now and that relaxed hair has always been popular. So they say why not make a product for this kind of hair!!!!

I feel you Azul it is almost as if they think we are dumb...well I guess a lot of people outside these boards don't read ingredients. They just read the front of the bottle and the description on the back and believe it does what it says its going to do.

To answer your question the products are priced the same and maybe a little cheaper. I got mine from Kmart which is usually cheaper than the drug stores anyway so I can't give you an honest answer right now.
can a product be used for both relaxed and natural hair? i know some people who are natural stopped using certain products that they used to use when they were relaxed because it didnt do much for their hair. would this be able to satisfy both needs? i guess i am just so skeptical that i am just questioning this because i know that when i see a line specially formulated for relaxed or natural hair i have to investigated and then if it is by a company that has a regular line i have to wonder if it is just a marketing tool to resell the same product with a different label. i hope this isnt the case in this situation. God bless you all.
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azul11 said:
can a product be used for both relaxed and natural hair? i know some people who are natural stopped using certain products that they used to use when they were relaxed because it didnt do much for their hair. would this be able to satisfy both needs? i guess i am just so skeptical that i am just questioning this because i know that when i see a line specially formulated for relaxed or natural hair i have to investigated and then if it is by a company that has a regular line i have to wonder if it is just a marketing tool to resell the same product with a different label. i hope this isnt the case in this situation. God bless you all.

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While checking out their site I found their answer to your question:

How can the same products be good for both relaxed and natural hair? What about different types of hair/ styles (braids, curls, pressed, etc.)?

We've found that women of color tend to have drier hair whether they have relaxed or natural hair. With chemical relaxing, the process removes some of the hair's natural moisture and reduces hair's strength. With natural hair, there isn't as much moisture because of the way it grows. In either case, Relaxed &amp; Natural restores moisture and allows you to achieve stronger, healthier–looking hair with a natural sheen!

They also have a link on the first page for samples, but its not working yet. Their site says to check back in a few days. I email'd them through the "main" Pantene site. I want to take a look at the line but I'd rather try free samples first. Helps to appease the PJ in me!
I aim for a PH balance. There is no way one conditioner can be highly effective on chemicaly treated AND virgin hair. Some conditioners work well for both sides, but most of the time it's on or the other.
so i went back to boots, superdrug AND body care and they all still aint got it and aint never hed of it.....why or why uk?? /images/graemlins/mad.gif
It isn't just where you are, ngaa, i've looked for it in the Target, CVS, beauty supply and haven't seen it. Maybe it hasn't shipped to certain areas yet.
I don't think they think they are preying on us. Because when you think back they changed their look of the bottles about 2 year ago or something like that. They only did that to make more money too and it didn't have anything to do with AA people. The smooth and sleek conditioner or shampoo used to be shampoo and conditioner for damaged hair. I used it all the way back then and now when you look at the bottle, you will see the same ingredients. I think they are just doing what they are supposed to do: SELL their stuff. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I just stick with what I like.
I get more upset about that Creme of Nature only has conditioning shampoos but not an extra conditioner or even a deep treatment. They really need to work on that. I know that their shampoo is a shampoo and conditioner in one but still, they should know that especially AA hair but hair in general needs conditioning all the time. Well, I want to stop babbling but y'all know what I mean.
i know they want to sell products and thats cool but what they are doing is sort of preying on people being naive. they figure people wont really read the ingredients and compare and contrast to other pantene products, i believe they are hoping for that. they figure hey we cant hit this market through our normal line lets create another line where we dont have to spend too much on added ingredients just repackaging and hand it to them. they wont know. i dont like that one bit. i know everyone wants to make money but why not actually do something with doing that. if say pantene has been in busy for lets pretend 40 yrs if you just discovered in the last 2 that people of color exist and dont use pantene as much as other races because of that stigma that it isnt for their hair at least humor people and do research on what can work for the hair and add the necessary ingredients. why add two and call it a day? i value the opinions of the people on this board immensely and i usually listen to their reviews of products before i try them out and if someone tells me this line is okay nothing ground breaking i tend to believe that. if the conditioner is no different from the regular formula i tend to believe that. i did hear however that in some locations it may be less than the normal price which at least i can see as a positive. what i am hoping though is that the people who gravitate to this read the labels and that if pantene is serious they at least will try to improve on their products. God bless you all.
I'm disappointed. I was looking forward to trying the products because I thought they would be different. What was I thinking? /images/graemlins/confused.gif The ingredients are practically identical to the other shampoos and conditioners and the Daily Moisturizer is hyped up Pink Oil. That one stayed on the shelf. They didn't have the oil sheen and the wrap lotion at Kroger. I like the Daily Moisture Renewal Conditioner and was running low so I bought the Relaxed and Natural Intensive Conditioner. The ingredients are so similar to the DMR and S&amp;S that I know I'll get the same results I had with those products-- detangled, nice smelling hair. I shave with it, too! Something I wouldn't dare do with my beloved Mizani Moisturfuse. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
is the new range a different, higher or lower price, that is the question noone is anwering /images/graemlins/confused.gif
Hi Nay...I'm definitely feeling you on the Cream of Nature comment. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Why is it that they don't have a separate conditioner? /images/graemlins/smirk.gif At first I thought it was me and I looked around and around for a separate conditioner and could not find one. And then after reading that 2 in 1 shampoos were not good for your hair (can't remember where or what board I read that on) I stopped using it.
The prices were the same at the North Carolina Kroger where I saw the products. All the 13.5 oz conditioners were $4.89.
If the prices had been higher, I would have been /images/graemlins/angry2.gif
Like the John Frieda Relax product rip-off. He should be ashamed of himself...
I can't lie and say I wasn't dissappointed also. I was really hoping for something just incredible especially since I already love Pantene. I just knew the line for relaxed and natural was going to be even more moisturising b/c of our hair needs...ya know.

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they figure hey we cant hit this market through our normal line lets create another line where we dont have to spend too much on added ingredients just repackaging and hand it to them. they wont know

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Exactly!! I think I posted this before. But someone at Procter and Gamble maybe realized hey some Black women use Pantene works well on their hair can we get them to buy more of our products? So they put their money into packaging and marketing and advertising which is what really sells a product in mainstream America. And used what they already have as a base formula and the result ...Pantene Relaxed and Natural.

To make a long story short..this line is not intended for black women who already use Pantene. They hope to capture a different segment of the women who may think you have to use only products for black hair.

Azul I can understand why you say it doesn't sit right with you but like Nay said they are doing what they are supposed to do...sell. It's like they are presenting it a different way so a person who normally wouldn't take a second look is now looking.

I do feel you on the ingredients though. The shampoo with the petroleum is just ridiculous. P&amp;G should really know better. I would have felt better if they just used the formula for the Hydrating Curls least I wouldn't be rubbing liquid vaseline in my scalp.

I can't say anything bad about the conditioners though. I have been using them for years when it was the Dry and Damaged line also..they work.

I just want to know why the bottles have to be brown? Couldn't they have used the same bottles with different color words like they do for everything else? So if we don't see a brown bottle we won't think it's for 'us' or something?
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To make a long story short..this line is not intended for black women who already use Pantene. They hope to capture a different segment of the women who may think you have to use only products for black hair.

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I agree 100% I tried the conditioner and setting lotion this weekend and it left my hair greasy and flat. /images/graemlins/mad.gif I emailed them regarding this issue of the same ingredients and I am waiting to hear back from them.
ooh what's the email addy? can I have it too?
I want to write them to regarding the petroleum and ask them why they would do this?
The new line costs the same amount as the old line and I really like it. I'm not sure if the concentrations of the ingredients have changed but the order is the same as the smooth and sleek. It has jojoba and coconut oils in the middle of the list as well. I haven't used it as a conditioner rinse/no poo yet but when I do I will update. I say that it is a better bargain since it has the added oils than the smooth and sleek. I currently use both.

I love the oil moisturizer. I haven;t used it alone though. I used it with the creamy vaseline and for perms only curl spray. I've also used it with glycerin (today) and my hair is moist and healthy looking. I also like it when using the conditioner as a leave it. I put the oil moisturier on 1st and follow with the conditioner or vice versa.

If you go to the customer service area on the pantene website you can email your question there. It's very interesting because both on the procter &amp; Gamble and Pantene sites their email addresses are not publicly listed.
I didnt really expect it to be much of a difference because of the fact that all their conditioners have the same or mostly the same ingredients anyways. so I didnt really think that the relaxed/natural line would be any different from the others
I'm glad that Pantene came out w/ this line. I have a friend at my job who's girl has been breaking badly since I met her 7 years ago. Her nails are long and grows fast; therefore, you would think that her hair will be longer also. The problem for her has been that she didn't keep her hair moisturized.
Okay, let me get to the point. Since I have been reading this board, I decided to step out and make some suggestions to her about her hair. She received me pretty good. The other day. I bought her some creme of nature shampoo, the Pantene Relaxed line conditioner, and ACV rinse in a bottle. When she saw the Pantene, she said, "What are you doing using those white people conditioner? That isn't going to work on my hair! It only works on your hair because you have indian hair! /images/graemlins/smile.gif" I had to explain to her that we have been thinking wrong about what conditioners work for only AA women and what works for WP. It made her feel better to see that the bottle stated for relaxed hair.
So my point is... the company did produce these products to attract AA, but in the long run it will help w/ our moisture problem! /images/graemlins/grin.gif That's a good thing.. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
i should've posted this in this thread. but i will try this line. why? well i cant really say boo about it if i havent tried it. at least my opinion will come from an informed person who actually used the line instead of just ranting. i will compare and contrast and will write pantene either say yah or nay. i was glad that it wasnt more than the regular pantene because then i would be more steamed. i dont think i will try the shampoo since it has one of the ammonium sulfates in it and that is something i dont want in my hair. i may try it for a week or two with the whole line and make a journal of what it has done to my hair good or bad. then send that to pantene.
God bless you all.
Did y'all know that the Wrap/Set Lotion is the same as the Light Spray Detangler, but with Jojoba and Coconut Oils added. Yup...
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Supergirl said:
Did y'all know that the Wrap/Set Lotion is the same as the Light Spray Detangler, but with Jojoba and Coconut Oils added. Yup...

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That means it must be pretty good then because I've read a few raves about it here (the light spray detangler). I did use it YEARS ago, and I thought it worked well. However, I'm into creamy leave-ins now.