ends are dry and brittle


New Member
Ok let me calm down first

I am 6 week post my relaxer and i co wash with v05 twice a week baggy once a week with vatika and lately i have been doing braid outs and bantu knots. I am currently using juice to moisturize my hair and peppermint and rosemary oil.

This morning i took out my bantu knots and noticed my hair shedding more than usual. So i decide to co wash with v05. before i can even get to the comb to rollerset. I notice my ends already drying and it is so dry :ohwell:and look like straw. And im terrified. What am i lacking...what do i need?????
I decided to put castor oil on my ends and salerm 21 on my hair and put it my bantu knots again. I will be takling it out in 12 hours. Was that the correct thing to do?
When my hair does this, it usually means my protein/ moisture balance is out of whack. It took me a while to realize this b/c when ends are dry, it seems the last thing one needs is some protein. But when I would just boost up the moisture without adding some protein, it would just make it worse.

I would just start over-- clarify, do a mild to medium protein condish, then follow up with a deep & rich moisture DC with heat, concentrating on ends. Also, for the next few weeks stay on top of moisturizing & sealing and be extra gentle with your hair. This usually helps me. This happens to me every few months or so. Hope this helps
Sounds like moisture overload, I would add a little shampoo to your con-wash or just us a little shampoo to remove some of the products.
Do a light protein treatment, and then a deep -con. I would rollerset as well, drying hair straight on rollers will help lay your cuticles down.

Always works for me, let me know how you get on:grin:
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i know baggying works for alot of ladies....but what you are experiencing is EXACTLY what happens to me whenever i have tried to baggy. it doesn't work for me.....when i baggy, my ends revolt. i shed, break and my hair acts a fool.

i tried baggying with diff products, oil only, water only, overnight, during the day only, for a few hours only....every combo you can think doesn't work for me.

my hair also doesn't like any kind of glycerin mixture...which is usually in "juice".

i would wash, deep condition and get rid of the baggy, get rid of the juice. and see what happens after that shampoo.

you can add back one method (baggy for a week OR juice for a week) and see if it works by itself -----that's if you'd like to try it again to figure out which one it was.

but don't be surprised if something that works well for others, doesn't work for you. everyone's head if different.

good luck!
your hair may not like glycerin...
I would clarify and deep condition. I am not sure which you need though (protein versus moisture).
your hair may not like glycerin...
I would clarify and deep condition. I am not sure which you need though (protein versus moisture).

I dont know if its the glycerin because i was getting great results by using it unless my hair is tired of it now :ohwell:
here's the thing about glycerin....sometimes it works better in humid weather vs dry weather and vice versa depending on your hair's own needs.

so your hair may like glycerin in the winter and not summer or like it in summer and not know what i'm trying to say?

i would start a hair journal if you don't already have one. it may help you see patterns wtih your hair care over time. hair journals have helped me tremendously. when i go back 2-3 years, i can see certain things. like i shed more in the spring than any other time of year. i wouldn't know that if i hadn't been keeping notes.

good luck!