Palmer's Coconut oil shampoo anyone?

I saw the Palmers Coconut Oil Shampoo,Conditioner and Moisturizer in Walmart last month and bought the conditioner packet for $1.29 and the Moisturizer.
The Moisturer is great and leave your hair very soft,have yet to try the conditioner.
Check you local Walmart before ordering online.
They also have an olive oil line sold at walmart too, I was thinking of buying,but waiting to see any reviews first.
I used the Palmers Protein Pac in the White packet for 1.29. I loved it. I made my hair so thick and healthy feeling. I would definitely suggest using it right before a touchup cause I had a fresh perm and my hair reverted from using it. I didn't really mind though, but my hair seems almost texlaxed after using it. The picture up top in my siggy is after using it!
I used the Conditioner to cowash for about a week and my hair loved it the curls were popping all over the place and staying really soft all day. The Moisturizer was really nice too. My SO loved how it made my hair smell. I have yet to use the shampoo though.